Friday, October 31, 2008

Tranced! Happy Halloween!

Tranced = Detachment from one's physical surroundings, as in contemplation or daydreaming.

Sigh. I came home from work at around 9:30PM. Pretty early for me because usually I come home past 11pm or sometimes 7am the next day. Its dreadful! But I gotta do what I need to do to pay the bills and still get what I want. :p But I still don't get everything. I know, you can't have everything you want, but..but.. :(

Sometimes, whenever there's a downtime at work, I find myself daydreaming. Seriously, like there's no one around me. I usually think of things I want to buy or places I want to travel. Haha. Its weird. Sometimes, I would daydream about what I need/want to do the next day. Isn't weird? I don't know.. I've always been like that.

Oh, my boss/shift lead let me go early today because I only went to work for training. I'm training to be the next med room person at the hospital where I'm working. Being in the med room is pretty scary. If I make a mistake, oh, there goes my license. Haha.

Its already 1:02AM. It's officially HALLOWEEN!!! Happy Halloween to Everyone! Boo Me, I'm working today :/
I know you gals already have your costumes ready and all pumped up to go party. Lucky! :/ Anyway, since its halloween, there's a lot of scary movies on T.V. right now. I mentioned on one of my entries that I love watching Horror movies even though I get scared very easy! :/

What Scares me?
1. Huge roller coasters! Can you believe I've never been to Six flags magic mountain? I'm scared to go on those big coasters. I feel like I'm going to lose my breath up there. :/
2. Lake! I will never ever swim in a lake! I sometimes think there's something in that lake and will pull my leg down and drown me. And another thing why I'm scared of lakes is because my friend drowned in a lake just this year. :( Happy Slip even made a tribute video for him. :(
3. Clowns! I do not like clowns. I think they are scarier than dracula!

I think that's it. For now at least. Haha. :) Oh, my friend told me that there's going to be a 40% Sale for Friends and Family at Ulta on Saturday. I really don't know the details. I'm not planning on spending/buying anything right now, so I'll pass :)

Let me share an old picture of mine. This was taken last year (2007). Haha. Yeah I used to wear glasses. I switched to contacts, and now I'm thinking of getting a new pair of glasses. :)

Hope you guys have a safe halloween! :) Have fun! :D

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tag Game Part 2

I was tagged again but this time by: Diana :)

the rules:
Each player answers the question themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them comments letting them know that they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve answered the questions on your blog.

10 Years Ago:
1. I was 11 year's old, 5th grader, and was very shy and quiet
2. I was really short and skinny :/
3. I was still in the Philippines living with my Grandma
4. I joined a pageant and won 2nd place. Ek! :(
5. I was a topnocher! Haha! :)

5 Things on Today's "To Do" List:
1. Finish all my paperworks
2. Clean my desk (never did)
3. Call my Mom to ask her about the Nursing School she'd been telling me
4. Make a Wishlish for December. Hehe
5. Ask the husband to pay the bills. LOL!

5 Things I would do if I was a millionaire:
1. Give back to the Lord by donating some to the Charity/Church
2. Pay all my bills, debts, car payments, etc
3. Buy our dream house and dream car
4. Help our family and friends
5. Travel around the world

5 Places I have lived:
1. La Union Philippines
2. Malolos, Bulacan, Philippines
3. Manila, Philippines
4. San Bernardino, California
5. Orange County, California

5 Jobs I have had:
1. Psychiatric Tech

Now I'm tagging:
1. Lurve
2. VietxPinay
3. Kae
4. MiMi
5. Angie

It's been a tiring day. Get a good night sleep everyone! :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

TAGging Along :)

Yay! I was tagged by Bedtimecake

Here are the Rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website


1. I had a bloggie before this which was dedicated to just make up, hauls, reviews, etc. But I decided to make another bloggie so I can write personal stuff and let my personal friends know about it. But it did not work out so I decided to just make this one my make up blog also. LOL.

2. I've been wanting a dog for a long time! But I can't because they don't allow dogs where I live and no one will doggysit my pup if ever I go to work, or go somewhere, and I know I have to give up my shopping so I can buy him doggy foods, clothes etc. Kinda like having a baby. haha!

3. I am addicted to lip products! Lipgloss, lipbalm, lipsticks, and lipstains. I buy so much and usually only use 1 of them. Haha. I know, its lame but I feel happy and content whenever I see them in my drawer. Hehe!

4. I don't like going to the malls by myself. I don't feel like buying anything when I'm alone.

5. I love horror movies. I get scared after watching them, but I dunno why I enjoy watching them anyway. :p

6. I spend more time on my skincare than applying make up. I can get ready in 20 minutes, but doing my skincare routine will usually take me more than an hour. Haha! :)

1. Jules

2. YammiMuffin

3. Thessa

4. Pear

5. Grasheena

6. Kae

My Make Up Storage and Palette

Hi ladies (and gents)! I wasn't able to go to Orange County. Instead we went to church early morning then hit Ontario Mills Mall to see if they have anything new at CCO. They still have some Fafi's and Heatherettes so you gals who have been wanting to get them should visit CCO at Ontario Mills now because they sell like hot pancakes! The Fafi "Hipness" Blush were all SOLD OUT! :/ Good thing I got one last week. I got 2 lipgloss. I took pictures of em but yeah I can't upload them anyway. :( I got Fafi "Cult Fave" Lipglass and "Power Supply" Plushglass. I dunno what's the difference and why the Plushglass are more expensive than the lipglass. Is it better?

Anyway, I decided to repost my "Designing your Make Up Storage" entry. I actually posted them on my old bloggie but since some of you ladies have not seen them yet, why not repost it. Haha. Totally genius to repost some old entries since I don't have new pictures to show you guys. lol. Forgive me.

Anyway, this is what I did on my Coastalscents Palette. I got this idea from Lurve. Then it inspired me to design my Make Up Storage. :) It was very fun doing this.

The Materials I used:
- Scrapbook papers from Michael's craft store (ranges from $59cents to $2.99 - depends on the texture of the paper.)
- Glue which is also from Michael's craft Store. I believe this is $1.99 and this glue can be used on all types of materials such as wood, paper, glass etc.
- Scissors of course
- Make up Palette
- Make up Storage

I just cut these scrapbook papers to fit in my Steralite Organizers and voila! Here's what it looks like: It looks neat and organized (even though the inside its not! haha) And I don't have enough make up to fill in these drawers so I don't think I'll be getting another drawer. :) I'm pretty much happy and content with my organizers.

SO this pretty much ends my entry. Sorry again for not posting new pictures. :) But hopefully I'll get my lappy fixed soon. (I found out that my old lappy has 2 years warranty! Yay) But I'm still lemming for that MACbook :) Byee ladies! G'nite!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Contest Entry

OMGoodness! I wasn't able to check my blog yesterday because I worked 16 hours again last night. Why am I working too much? Haha! I am actually working for time so I can have a month vacation next year. They gave me the month of January which is my birthday month, and its almost January!! So I gotta work for more time :D 8 hours overtime is equal to 12 hours so I need like 10-12 overtimes so I can have a month off :D I'm excited! Haha!

Tomorrow, If I wake up early, I might go to Orange County and go to some Oriental Markets there. Any ideas where I can get a Ly-na Pearl Cream there? and some Japanese Magazines? :D I really want those goodies! :D

Oh btw, I'm planning to design the interior of my car. I'm thinking of Monokuro Boo as my theme. Haha. I just love those piggies :) What do you guys think? :D

And oh, my co-worker was trying to convince me to buy his Shar Pei. OMG! Only for $200. It was really tempting but I didn't get it. :( Puppies are not allowed where I live and I couldn't possible take care of her because I go to work and sometimes won't come home til the next day :(
Look how cute a Shar Pei is. Btw, Its a Chinese Breed kind of dog. Ahhh! I really really want it!! She looks adorable with all those wrinkles on her face. I just wanna cuddle her :(

And now, for the real purpose of this entry, I joined Ms. Mimi/Beauty is Androgynous Contest. I'm so excited because I really love wearing Neutral looks. Anyway, this pictures that I am about to post are taken like 2 weeks ago because as all of you know, I cannot upload my pictures on this laptop because my Memory Stick/Card Slot is not compatible with this laptop. I hope my entry will still be considered since I only used 3 products. Yup, 3 products! Yay! The Contest Challege was to create a neutral look using only 3 products.

In these pictures, I am wearing:
- Gray Contacts (which is not counted as 1 product)
- Softlips Lipbalm (which is also not counted as 1 product)
- Benefit "That Gal" Brightening Primer (Counted as 1 product)
- L'oreal Voluminous Mascara (Counted as 1 product)
- L'oreal Voluminous Eyeliner (Counted as 1 product)

That is equal to 3 products used. :D If I were to add another product on this look, I will add a little bit of lipgloss and I'm ready to go :D

Yay! I love joining contest. :D I was going to join Kimberly Tia's blog, but I can't post/upload pictures!! Ahh! :( Hope you guys have a nice day! :D G'nite! :D

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Passion of Red

The new MAC Collection "HOLIDAY RED SHE SAID" has finally released! To be honest, I'm not that excited on this collection. I don't know, Maybe because the colors can be easily dupable, and yeah I don't have the means to be spending a lot now since I want a new lappy and my old lappy still needs to get fixed.

I'm thinking of getting the Devoted Poppy: 6 Classic Eyes for $38.00. But I still need to swatch them to make sure if I really want to spend $38 for this palette.
I also want their brushes but can't find the justification to spend $49.50 for these brushes when I can find some drugstore brushes that are comparable to this. Sigh. The Adoring Carmine which is a lipstick/lipgloss set looks very cute but again, I need to swatch them and try them on before I buy them.

So what you guys going to buy? :)

About work, ah! Work is so stressful! I know I say this a lot but its true. Dealing with mental patients are like baby sitting 2-5 year old kids. Running around with their foods, throwing tantrums like crazy. Disobeying rules and a lot more. Its mentally draining. :/ And remember that girl I talked about on one of my post? Why do I always bump into her? I mean I am now avoiding her since I found out that she told some of our co-workers that she doesn't like me, but everyday I always bump into her! Sometimes we have the same groups and it irritates me because I tried saying hi to her but she ignored me. I looked at her and she looked away. I mean how childish can she be? To think she's already 25 years old! She's acting like one of my patients. LOL. I seriously don't know why she got mad. I want to confront her but she keeps on avoiding me. Oh well. Frienemies. Gotta hate them. Haha!

I gotta sleep now. Work again tomorrow. :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Learn Chinese

Hi guys! How's everyone's weekend? :) Today (Monday - Oct 21) is my "Monday" at work and it was so busy. They floated me to another unit at our hospital and it was very hectic. And I really felt sick and dizzy. I don't have plans to work 16 hours/day again this week. Maybe next week. I need rest. Also, I haven't purchase a laptop yet because I found out that my PC has 2 years warranty! Yay! So, we're trying to have it fixed asap so I can update this blog with new pictures. I took lots of pictures this week but wasn't able to upload them because this PC (My bro-in-law's) is not compatible with my SD card :( I guess for the meantime, I can do beauty reviews while I wait for my PC to get fixed. But I still want that MACbook :(

Ok, I've been so sad lately and can you believe I did not shop when we went to South Coast, The Block, Ontario Mills, Glendale Galleria this weekend? I only bought some fake eyelashes at Little Tokyo and a eyelash curler at Marukai Market. I wasn't in the mood to shop. Although I want a new bag and a new laptop and some new outerwears. Sigh. Cold weather sometimes makes me sad..

My friend sent me something and I just find it funny. At least there's something that made me laugh today. Well, there's also the husband who always makes me smile. This is the thing my friend sent me: LOL!

Until next time! :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Beauty Review: Benefit Dear John Moisturizer

NOTE: Try this product at your own risk. If it works for me, it does not mean it will work for you too. Everyone has different types of skin. My skin consists of dry - combination - sensitive type of skin.

Image credited to:

Benefit Dear John Moisturizer is a moisturizer made for those people who has dry skin. It is very creamy and soft when applied to skin. It can be purchased at, Benefit Counter,, Sephora Store, and now at Ulta. Price: $32.00

Product Description from
Loaded with active ingredients, this lustrous face cream is like a 'moisture magnet' for your skin. Use the cream day or night to moisturize and put lustre back into your complexion. Product details
  • 60 ml / 2 US fl oz
  • More info: sodium hyaluronate moisturizes skin and locks in moisture; vitamin E protects and strengthens skin; marshmallow root is a one-a-day vitamin for your skin.
PROS: My skin was very dry, flaky, and was super itchy when its dry. Thanks to this moisturizer, it helped my dry skin to be soft smooth. It smellls so good too! Whenever I use this at night, the husband always gives me compliment on how he loves the smell of my face. :) It did not break me out so that's a good. When I use this at night, I slather a little bit more and when I wake up in the morning, I notice the difference. It looks like I'm glowing. No need to put a foundation :) It has a very thick consistency so a little goes a long way. A really must have for dry skins out there.

CONS: The price is too much. Compare to my Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizer, this moisturizer is overly priced. I also don't know how it will work on oily skins since this moisturizer has very thick consistency and can be greasy looking so I don't recommend this using in the morning. It also received only 66% at which is a low rating because some claimed that it broke them out and I noticed that those people who claimed that this moisturizer broke them out were the people who has oily skins.

I love this product! It does its job and especially now that its almost winter, I need a good cream that will fight the dryness of my skin, and I find this moisturizer very effective. If you want to try it, I suggest to get a sample 1st at any Sephora counter or Benefit counter before you purchase the full size. That's what I did. I got 3 little jar samples 1st before I decided I want the full size jar.

I hope this review helps you guys and I'm sorry I can't post a picture of me wearing this moisturizer because my PC is still not working. :( I am currently using my brother-in-law's PC. He's kind enough to let me borrow this til my PC gets fixed or whenever I buy a new one. Also I've been wanting to show you guys my haul from Little Tokyo but then again, this PC does not have a card slot so I can't save the photos in this PC. Sucks :( Hope you guys have a good night!

Which One?

Ok, my laptop is still not working. :( I'm here at Orange County right now, borrowed my sis-in-law's lappy. I need a new one. Sigh. I'm still sick as fck! :/ My tooth is still hurting :( I still can't eat and I continue to lose some more weight. Argh! We actually went to this place called O-bar at Cerritos and yeah I drank some.. haha! So not me. That's what alcohol does to me. I get on my groove. LOL. Even the husband who do not dance, was dancing with me. Haha! Ok, I did not drink a lot but the husband did. He was laughing the whole time we were driving home. Oh, we have a designated driver so no worries :p I'll post some pictures next time :)

Ok, back to my lappy.. I can't decided whether to buy a PC or a MACBOOK. I need suggestions and CONS and PROS of both laptops. :/

The new MACBOOK looks promising :) I heard great reviews about MACBOOKS but it looks complicated because I have been a PC user eversince I can type. lol. I have my ITOUCH and I had a hard time trying to figure out what to do. LOL. I know, I'm soooo clueless. :P

If I'll get another PC, I will probably get this SONY VIAO. It looks pretty in pink. Haha.
Ahhh.. I can't decide :( If I buy a new lappy, no more make up for awhile :(

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My Lappy Broke + Overtime at Work

I'm so sorry ladies if I haven't replied to all your comments, right now I'm at work and I know I'm not suppose to check my blog here. LOL! But I just wanna let you guys know that I'm working 16 hours again today and yeah I'll be home later at around 7AM, but then I have work tomorrow again at 2:30Pm. Sucks! I have to work hard.. since now that my Lappy broke!!! Yeah, that's why I have not been online for like 2 days now! :( My lappy broke on me. I need a new one. I don't know when I'll be able to get a new one. Hopefully soon.

I apologized for those questions not answered, comments I have not replied to. I will get back to all of you when I go to OC this weekend. I will borrow my Bro-in-law's lappy and hopefully I'll be able to answer all those sweet comments you guys sent me :p

And for my subscribers on Youtube, I'm sorry if I have not replied to all of you :( I will announce the 3 winners as soon as I have access to the computer. Not now because this is my work's computer. They won't allow me to edit videos here. lol. But I promise, I'll do it as soon as I can. Please bear with me.

Thank you for all your support and all the messages I received. You guys are so nice! Love you all! :)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Collective Haul

Hi guys! I was going to get my haircut today but I'm stuck here at home. Why? Because I'm sick!! Yes, I hate being sick! Its so windy up here with a 48 degrees cold last night. I think today is like 70 degrees outside. The 215 freeway is closed due to a fire (Click for more info!) Sigh. What a Monday. I'm glad I'm not working today or it will be another Sick Call. Oh and yesterday was my dentist's appointment. I had another wisdom tooth extraction. This time they removed 2. No more wisdom. lol. It's so painful. I can't even eat. No wonder I lost weight when I had my other wisdom tooth removed. From 116 to 110 in less than a month. I have not eaten today yet. I just don't have the appetite to eat anything. :( That's how sick I am.

What would be good right now is my hubby beside me and some soup to warm me up (Like Sinigang Soup, or anything soup! Damn it!) because I'm freezing. Our room is warm and all, but due to the fact that I'm sick, my body feels chilly right now. The husband has to go to work and there's no way he can call off because his boss won't cover for him! Geez not even for an hour?! He's the only one at work right now and he even told his boss that its emergency and that I'm sick and all alone in the house, but the boss is still like "No one can cover for you, we're short staff blah blah blah!" Why don't you cover for him you stupid ass! Grrr. I'm sorry guys for ranting! I'm just mad and frustrated and sick at the same time. I need him beside me. :( I can't find a thermometer anywhere in here to check my temperature. I think I need my mommy too. Am I too old for my Mommy?? Hah! Makes me wanna cry!

Oh, yesterday, The husband and I went to Cheesecake Factory and I ordered some Shrimp Alfredo. I don't know why I didn't like it. Maybe because I was already feeling sick. After that, we went to the mall and I went to check out CCO if they have new stuff!

Here are some things I got at the CCO. I got some Fafi & Heatherette stuff. When they came out 4-5 months ago, I was broke and never had the chance to get them. Hahah! I'm just glad they now have it at CCO for a lesser price.

1. MAC Fafi Lipstick in Strawbaby = $10.00
2. MAC Fafi Lipstick in Utterly Frivolous - $10.00
3. MAC Fafi Blush in Hipness = $12.25
4. MAC Fafi Blush in Fashion Frenzy = $12.25
5. MAC Heatherette Lipglass in Starlet Kiss = $10.00
6. MAC Heatherette Beauty Powder in Alpha Girl = $15.75

I wanted some more like the Fafi Quads but I changed my mind. lol. Maybe next time I'll get some Neo Sci Fi eyeshadows :) Ok, I hope you guys have a wonderful day today. I need to rest. X(

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Hi guys! I had a long day today and yesterday. Yesterday I worked 16 hours again. Yep, 2:30pm to 7:00am. Sigh. Now I'm dead tired because today I worked from 2:30pm to 10:00pm. I only had 4 hours of sleep again. Work is tiring I tell ya!

Anyway, I got in trouble for checking my blog at work. hahah! I was suppose to be doing paperworks but instead I was checking other people's blogs! hahaha! Well, the boss said "Oh, we can't do blogging at work" Just like that so it wasn't really that bad. :/ Hehe. Oh speaking of work, there's this girl at my workplace. We used to talk, share stories, and say Hi whenever we see each other in the hallway. But it stopped for some reason. I don't know what's the reason. I'm kinda confused because I know I did not do anything to her. One day, I saw her in the hallway so I said Hi because that's what I always do whenever I see her. She ignored me. I told myself, "ah maybe she just didn't hear me or see me" which is kinda stupid because its only us in the hallway. Then I noticed that she's avoiding me because I was waiting for the elevator, she was suppose to go to the elevator too but when she saw me, she used the stairs instead. lol. Or she sees me walking in the hallway, she'll go another way just so she won't bump into me. I tried confronting her but she keeps on avoiding me. One of our co-workers said that she doesn't like me. BUT WHY?! So, all of a sudden she decided she doesn't like me? How rude! I hate frienemies at work. Its just too much drama and I don't even know what's the cause. lol.

Hmmm.. I want to cut my hair but I can't decide which hairstyle will suit me. I need help! What do you guys think? i love Japanese hairstyles :D Here are some of the selections:

1st. FRONT:



3rd. Her face looks scary. lol.
5th Whoah she's pretty!

I hope you guys had a good day today and Happy Sunday! :) I need some snooze. Zzzzzz

Friday, October 10, 2008

Beauty Review: Clinique Take The Day Off Cleansing Balm

NOTE: Try this product at your own risk. If it works for me, it does not mean it will work for you too. Everyone has different types of skin. My skin consists of dry - combination - sensitive type of skin.

Image credited to:

Clinique Take the Day Off Cleansing Balm is a make up remover. 3.8 oz/125 mL $26.00 available at any Clinique counter,, Sephora stores or

Product Description from
Lightweight cleansing balm quickly dissolves tenacious eye and face makeups, including those with sunscreen. Transforms from a solid balm to a silky fluid oil upon application. Cleans thoroughly, rinses off completely. Non-greasy. Non-drying. For all skin types.

My Description:
This is a make up remover in a solid balm form. It removes all your make up even the waterproof ones! Guaranteed! Basically you use your fingers and scoop a little amount of the balm and gently massage it on your face then rinse off with warm water. Followed by your daily skin care products. It received high reviews from Makeupalley and 81% said they will repurchase. I would too! I heard they will discontinue this soon. :( I hope not. The hubby had a hard time finding this for me.

PROS: It does remove all my make up, even the Waterproof Dior Mascara. When I put it on, you can literally see your make up melts on your face. Even my eyeliner melted and when I washed it off, it always leaves my skin squeaky clean! I feel like I don't even need to wash my face anymore with my regular cleanser, but I still do to make sure my face is make up free. It did not leave my skin dry or oily. Just clean. :) No tightness either so that's good for me. Best of all, it doesn't sting like other make up removers do. This by far is the best make up remover for me :D It did not break me out! (My skintype: Dry - Combination - Sensitive) Oh, and a little goes a long way so this will last you a lifetime :p

CONS: Its not hygienic. Its in a jar so you have to dip your fingers on to it. Just make sure you wash you hands always. It does looks greasy when you apply it and the smell, its not pleasant for me, but once you rinse this off, the smell won't be there anymore. The price is too high for a make up remover. :/ I'm cheap in terms of make up removers. I use huggies to remove my make up but since the husband got this for me, why not give it a try! hahah! That's all the Cons I can think of.

OVERALL: Yes I will repurchase! I never felt my skin this clean since using this balm. Sounds too good to be true but you just have to try it yourself in order for you to understand what I'm talking about. :)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

What A Surprise! :)

Morning til Night. All things went wrong. My camera won't start, Clinique ran out of their Cleansing Balm, I was also mad for some reason, I ran into a red light, I was really hungry, I made the husband upset, work became unbearably busy, I was given more paper works to do, Manish Arora were Sold Out.. and lot more things that you can't even imagine! I was ready to call this day a Jinx Day but it all turned around when I got home. The husband picked me up because he went to wash BLEU. Then when we got home, he told me to move my car. Do you know what I saw at my passenger's seat??! OMG! A Macy's Bag and some goodies inside. He even wrote me a letter. I love you Dadi.

So these are the things he got me:

1. Clinique Take the Day Off Cleansing Balm = $26.00
It's been on my wishlist for months now and I really really want to try it. I will do a review soon. He went for so much trouble just to get this. He called so many Macys to ask them if they have it, and only 2 of them said they have it in stock. The husband went to the nearest Macys where they said they have it, only to find out they really Out of Stock. He was upset :( Then he called the other Macys and they said they have it, so he went there and was happy that they have it In Stock! Yay!

2. Benefit Dear John Moisturizer = $32.00
This was also on my wishlist for months now and I cannot decide if I want it or not because of the price. I will do another review on this soon. :)
And just look at all these freebies he got me from buying the Cleansing Balm. I love GWP!! Haha!
This Palette comes with 2 Colorsurge eyeshadows then a blush and a bronzer. Really great colors for the fall. So worth it. You can just toss it on your purse when you're in a hurry and touch up later :D
The lipstick is a really good color for fall and its creamy and soft. Very comparable to MAC Cremesheen lipstick. :) Then I also got the high impact mascara, Clarifying Lotion#2 (which is perfect for dry-combination skins like me) and their very popular moisturizer - Dramatically Different Moisturizer.

Then he got me this pink silicone case for my phone. Aw my p1i is all scratched up now. :/
I wasn't able to take pictures because my camera wasn't working this morning. Good thing we got it fix right away. Yay! :) I'm glad it turned out to be a good day.

How are you guys today? :D

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My "Monday"

Hi guys! I just got off work. As usual, I'm stressed, I'm tired.. Ugh! I had a cup of coffee a while ago to combat my sleepy senses and I was doing fine til I crushed! Sigh. I was gonna work double today but I didn't get pick up. I'll try again tomorrow. I need to at least make 3 overtime before my payday. So how are you guys doing today?

Images credited to and

Manish Arora came out today and I'm very disappointed because at the website it says SOLD OUT! WTF??! It just came out and now its SOLD OUT??! Its too bad that's only available in NY & LA. Okay, I can go to LA but I really don't have time to drive out there. 45 minutes of drive seems worth it but I have to call 1st to make sure they have it. I can't believe it! I was gonna order some blush and lippies. I really don't care about the palette. Considering how pretty it looks, I have all those colors already! I mean who needs 2 eyeshadows of the same color?? Unless I am a make up artist, I would probably go and buy it. I just love Limited Edition Lippies because as all you know already I collect 'em. Sigh again.

Oh, tomorrow is the start of the GWP (Gift with Purchase) of Clinique. You need to spend like $21.50 or more to qualify to that promo. You'll get a palette (consists of 2 blushes and 2 eyeshadows), high impact mascara, lipstick, small bottle of dramatically different moisturizer, small bottle of clarifying lotion #2 and a cute make up bag plus a choice of any of their pouch. So since they have some freebies, now is the time for me to buy the Cleansing Balm that I've been wanting for a month now. :D

Hah. Right now my head hurts. I should be sleeping right now but that coffee was just too strong. :/
Just look at my eyebags. :/ They're getting bigger and bigger each day. Haha. De-puffing creams just won't work. And oh, I used the L'oreal Voluminous Mascara & Eyeliner today. I will do a review on them soon. In this picture, I only used the Benefit "That Gal" Brightening Primer. Love it! :) My co-workers even noticed that my face just looks brighter and more lively. Haha! My patient was like "Maybe its Maybelline" *Laughs*

Oh yeah, I lost weight. I dunno if its stress or what. My chubby cheeks are gone :( Look how chubby my cheeks were before. :/ I missed em getting pinched by the husband.
And I miss getting my nails done. I feel like I still want to get acrylics but I know I shouldn't because it will only ruin my natural nails plus its not hygienic. :( But it really looks nice.

Look how ugly my skin was! I had uneven skin tone with those acne bumps. Ew. Considering that I am using a thick MAC foundation here. I owe it all to my skincare routine. :D (Click on the picture to see a better view of my ugly skin) :p
I'll see you guys again on my next entry. Nighty! :D

Monday, October 6, 2008

Beauty Review: Benefit "That Gal" Primer

NOTE: Try this product at your own risk. If it works for me, it does not mean it will work for you too. Everyone has different types of skin. My skin consists of dry - combination - sensitive type of skin.

Images credited to:

Benefit "That Gal" Brightening Face Primer is one of the Benefit's top sellers products. It costs $28.00

Product Description (from

Product Description:
Go from dull to darling with "that gal." It's a silky pink primer that makes skin appear smoother & brighter. Wear alone for clear complexion radiance or apply before makeup for smooth, effortless application. Re-brighten during the day with "that gal." It's "that gal" perfection for a happy complexion.

Tips and tricks: Twist the base until the primer is distributed on the top. Apply with fingertips onto the face. Blend this silky pink primer in an even, upward motion. Wear alone, or under makeup for smoother makeup application. Gently pat on during the day to re-brighten your complexion.

Product details
  • Contains soothing raspberry & chamomile, combined with sweet almond & algae extracts to help skin retain its natural moisture, for a soft & silky finish.
  • Light-reflecting pigments brighten the complexion.
  • 11 ml / 0.37 US fl oz

PROS: It smells so good! It smells like raspberry. It really gives you that "glow" like its promise. Its not oily or anything on me (my skin type is dry). A little goes a long way so this will probably last you a lifetime. Its also small so you can just carry it in your purse so you can touch up after a long day at work/school. I use my fingertips to blend this so make sure your hands are clean! I also like the twist thing and it will only dispense what you need. It also has light reflecting pigments kinda like the MAC Vanilla Pigment which helps brightening the face. It also helps soothes the redness on my face. You can top it off with your favorite foundation and it helps glide the foundation smooth and makes it long lasting.

: It has very light coverage so you need a really good skin if you're just using this alone. Its also pricey. For me, $28.00 is a lot already! :/ That's all the cons I can think of.

OVERALL: I'm loving it! If you have not tried it, go to any Benefit counter or at Sephora and ask for a sample. I will probably buy this again if I run out :) In this picture, I am not wearing anything except for the Benefit "That Gal" Brightening Face Primer. Notice that I don't even need to use anymore concealer for the redness around my nose and dark circles on my undereye. Also on my post: OVERTIME, I only used this primer and notice how it brightened up my face even with only 4 hours of sleep. :)

New Clothes

I'm watching Spongebob right now while writing this entry. Haha! No one is too old or too young to watch this show! Its just so funny. I find myself laughing every time Spongebob does his hilarious "laugh".
Hahaha! Well.. anyway, I had a bad day. I don't want to elaborate why. Its just a freakin' bad day! So what to do on a bad day?? SHOP!!!! Yes. My therapy.. Oh and yeah I drove BLEU alone again. I've been driving him alone for the past few days. I'm getting the hang of it. I had to put gas on him for the 1st time. Hehe! :)

Anyway, 1st I went to the mall with the husband to buy me the Benefit "That Gal" Primer (Which is on my wishlist). I would do a review soon. I've been using it for the past few weeks (They gave me a generous amount of sample) and I really love it. Wait for the review :D They also gave me 2 samples of the "Do it Daily" Moisturizer. I have tried it before and I really like it. I just want to try it again before I buy the full size :)

Then I went to Walmart (- alone because the husband needs to go to work) and got us some groceries. Mainly bathroom things. Hehe! But here are some things I got at Walmart.

1. 2 packs of Huggies - I was running out of my huggies (used as make up wipes) so I got 2 packs. The lady who saw me getting these wipes gave me a weird look. She probably thought I'm too young to have babies. lol. :)

2. Sally Hansen Maximum Growth for Nails - my nails are so brittle due to acrylic nails (I stopped getting my nails done) and needs treatment. They always break so I hope this one will work.
3. L'oreal Carbon Black Voluminous Mascara - This is my all time favorite drugstore mascara! I will do a review soon. I just love how it volumizes my lashes. Makes me look like I'm wearing falsies. :p Wait for the review. :) I'll do it as soon as possible.
4. L'oreal Voluminous Liner - I haven't tried this liner. My 1st time to buy this.
5. Bausch & Lomb ReNu - My contacts get so dry after hours of wearing it. I hope this will work.

After Walmart, I decided to check out ROSS if they have scrubs. No luck. They don't sell Scrubs. I don't have scrubs for tomorrow so I guess I'll just wear my regular clothes. Speaking of clothes, I saw this store called Fashion Q and decided to check it out. They have fabulous clothes for a cheap price. The styles of clothing is the same as Forever21. I got 2 tops. :)

The 1st top is only $8.99 and I like it so much! :D What do you guys think? The 2nd top below is only $12.99. It came with a scarf which you can use in different styles. You can put it around your neck laying like that or you can wrap it around your waist to look like you have a slim waist. lol. Or you can make it look like a tie by tying the scarf. Its so fun and its great for the fall.

I need to get some outerwear next time I shop for clothes. Its time to go to work again next week. *Sigh* I might work again for 16 hours. I need more time so I can go on a vacation next year. Hopefully I'll be able to visit the homeland. Monday sucks.

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