Sunday, November 30, 2008

Week Recap :)

Its been too long since my last post. Er, I might not have any pictures up since I have not visited the parents yet. I had such a busy week. I worked then went shopping. Its so tiring!

Week Recap:
I worked. I worked double shift. Yup! 16 freaking hours! It better pay off! I'm getting zits for not sleeping :( I hate NOC shift :( So I went home 7am Thursday morning.

Happy Thanksgiving! Guess what! I worked this day too. We get time 1/2 for working on a holiday so I guess its OK. The husband worked too. I was not with the family this day. :( I was very sad. :( I got off work at 11pm, then home to change clothes, then went straight to Cabazon! Yay shopping! :)

Here comes Friday. I was on the road at 12am. Was still at the exit of Cabazon. Damn traffic! Too many cars!! Finally got there at 12:20am I think? Parking was a pain in the ass so the husband dropped me off at Coach store. There was a line! Long ass line! It was from Coach to Pacsun line! It was like 10 stores apart! Anywho, I went in line thinking that was the line for Coach. Then after 30 minutes, I found out that it was the line for Juicy Couture! I said WTF! But I was already there! I waited 2 freaking hours just to get in at that store. I did get something though and I'll show you guys next time :) Then after that, we went to Gucci to fall in line. It wasn't as bad as the Coach line but it wasn't moving! We stayed there for 3 long hours then found out there was no more at the rack! Almost all the good ones are sold out! I was bummed! I wanna go to D&B store but there was a freaking line again and I don't wanna wait for 2-3 more hours again just to find out there's nothing inside. After the Gucci, we went to True Religion Store and there was a small line but it only took us 20 minutes so that was good. I found a lot that I want but they don't have my size!!! Ahhhh! I only saw one size 25 so I got that one. After TR store, we went to Coach to see if the line has subsided, and yes indeed, we waited for only 30 minutes. I got to use my additional 10% off since it was only 9:00am. Yup, I had no sleep, ate a little, and was very tired. They have so many cute purses at Coach, I was tempted to get more than I want. I ended up getting 2 coach bags. I'll show you guys next time. :)

After that we went to Ontario, but did not find anything. I can't believe I did not buy any make up this day. :p By the time we were done. I was dellusional! hahaha!

I worked. I went home at 9pm. Yup, early! haha! The boss let me out early since its my friday! yay him! :P

Did not wake up in time for church. sorry. :( Went to Ontario Mills with the husband to do some Christmas shopping for the relatives & family. Almost done with my list! :) I also got a Dazzleglass :D Ok, I'm done with all these spendings. I'm broke. :(

I'm also breaking out because RED is almost here. Damn you RED! :( LYNA Pearl Cream, you are the BEST!

Me sporting my bangs :p It was taken last year :) I'll put up my Christmas wishlist soon :D
For Cyber Monday Deals: Click here --> CYBERMONDAY

Have a great night everyone! :)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Orgasmic Blush

Ok, so I went to Sephora at Victoria Gardens to exchange NARS BLUSH in SUPER ORGASM. I did not like it because it looked too glittery on me. I wanted the regular one. So I went there and this lady greeted me at the door. She told me she'll take the Nars Blush in Super Orgasm and my receipt and told me that she'll help me at the counter. I said Ok.

So I went to pick up the famous NARS BLUSH in ORGASM! Wooo! Very orgasmic! I lovvveee it! I love it on my skin.. weee! :)

So back to the story, I went to the counter to make the exchange, and this is how the conversation went to:

Saleslady: "Ok, that's $5.95 total"

Me: "What?? How come? I'm just exchanging it. How come I need to pay $5.95?

Saleslady: "Oh because it says in here that you got it at a discount price and since you're getting the product in here, we can't consider the discount anymore. You need to get it in regular price"

Me: "But I'm just exchanging it. (frowned) Ok never mind! (swipes the card). So at least I'm getting my deluxe sample right since my sephora bank says I have 192 points now?

Saleslady: "I'm sorry I cannot give a deluxe sample because you did not buy the nars blush in the store. You can get it online if you want but if you buy something right now from the stores, then that's when I count your points & give you the sample."

I was so pissed... :( Damn her and the store :( Never mind. *heads up high and smiles*

Anywho, I'm going to Cabazon Thursday night because they are having a doorbuster sale that starts at 12 midnight til morning! :D If you go there at 12am, you'll get an additional 10% off on top of other sales! I'm so excited! I cannot wait! Anyone wanna go shopping with me? :D

Oh, I added more thing on my SLIGHTLY USED MAKE UP SALE! :)

New Products added available now!!!
Click picture to see all products! :)

Free Image Hosting at

Friday, November 21, 2008

Hello Kitty + Mac = Being Broke!

Gah!! its here!! Its here!!! Pictures are now available for us to see! OMgahhhh! I'm gonna faint! I freakin love hello kitty & would never ever pass this collection. (Images credited to I thought I would buy the whole collection but I was friggin wrong! They have lots of stuff for me to friggin afford. Maybe the whole collection will fall from $500-$800. Ahhh!

Husband, relatives, and friends don't give me gifts this Christmas, New year, or even my birthday (January 06) or our anniversary (January 11). Just wait for this collection to come out & buy me buy me!!! :p

According to,
  • 6 shades of lipstick and lipgloss! Yup 6 freakin shades!
  • 2 tinted lip conditioners! Thats 14 lippies!!!
  • 2 eyeshadow palettes that has 4 shades on it
  • 2 shades of pigments
  • 2 Reflects Glitter stockkeeping units (1 blue, 1 pink)
  • 4 Glitter eyeliners
  • 2 shades of beauty powder
  • 3 shades of nail polishes
  • a mascara
  • false lashes
  • 2 shades of Dazzleglashes = $28.00 each!!! so expensive!!!
  • Sheer Mystery Powder = $90
  • Hello Kitty make up bags
  • Plush dolls
  • Purse mirrors
  • 3 Brush collections
  • Mirrored key clip
  • Beaded Bracelet

See how much Hello Kitty Items are they selling?? We gonna be broke people! :( My poor wallet!! :( Ahhh I cannot friggin buy this whole collection :( Shoot, anyone planning to buy the whole collection? :p

Will update this next time since I'm here @ work and its already 0615am :p

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Skincare Update and More

I just wanna thank you all for supporting my mini make up sale :) Yay! Its almost gone & I'm very very happy :D
Update: So for the past few days, I've been working my ass for 16 hours/daily :) Yup! My eyebags are so huge, they won't fit under my eye anymore. haha! I usually gets home like 7am. I feel like a zombie! hahah! They better pay me good for all the hardwork I've been doing! Well, I'm planning to shop on Black Friday at the Outlets! :D Join me yeah? :)

Hah! I finally got my Sephora package today! I wasn't too crazy about the Nars Blush in Super Orgasm. It was very glittery. (or as the husband said, "it was very glittery & orgasmic" lol!) All those gold specs just gets into your cheeks and it doesn't look natural!!! Ahhh!! I'm going to exchange it with the Nars Blush in Orgasm. I will probably do that this weekend. Sigh. So much for the excitement! haha! I haven't opened the Dior HydrAction Moisturizer yet but I know I will like it for I tried it so many times already at Sephora. :) I also have not used the Shu Curler yet. I'll do a review soon.

Anyway, my face is coveered with LY-NA right now. Hah! I'm just loving this stuff :) I also tried another product today and I'll reveal it once I get results :p

Oh, I will reveal my skincare routine soon! I will do another post for that. Let me just give you a preview of my face before I started my skincare routine. & That included LYNA my dears :) I will replicate these BEFORE & AFTER Pictures on my next post :) For now, I give you these:

My before picture
: OMGah! look at this picture of mine, I cannot even look at it. The husband said, "I don't remember you looking like this. I thought you are already pretty even before" Awwwww. hahah! *giggles* Look at the unevenness of my skintone, the dark circles, the blemishes all over my face, and the scars! yuck yuck yuck! & to think I used to use thick foundation!!! Ok, stop now! stop looking at me!!! *got paranoid*

My after picture: In this picture, I wasn't wearing any foundation. Nope, no foundation, no concealer. Just moisturizer and my blush of course :) See the freakin difference? Huge huge difference I tell ya!!! I cannot believe my eyes either. Haha. The dark circles are gone, no more concealer for me, the redness are gone, the scars are gone, no blemishes insight. Ahhhh. I love my skin right now, of course except when I get stupid red. Well, anyway, the LYNA had made my skin sooo much better than it used to be. Of course not just LYNA. *smiles*

Oh, are you guys excited for the MAC DAME EDNA COLLECTION that is coming out on Dec 26, 2008?? I was thinking of getting one of their lipgloss or lipstick to add to my lippie collection. You know me, a lippie addict! haha! Then I'm thinking of getting one palette and their beauty powder. I'm not sure yet, but damn, I love their packaging.

(image credited to and
But you know what I'm more excited about??? It's the MAC & HELLO KITTY COLLABORATION! I would buy all of their products! Gah!! I heard it will be released on February 2009. I cannot wait. I already told the husband I will buy the whole collection :P

Anyway, that's it for now. It's already 2:06AM. :) I might work 16 hours again tomorrow!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Ly-Na Cream update


Hello ladies (and gents)! How was everyone's weekend? Ugh, work again tomorrow. :( Lately, work has been draining me, especially at times when I work 16 hours. Sigh. I also joined twitter last night. People who has twitter can catch me there :) Just click this link --> twitter <--- to view my iTwit :) Right now, I'm at my parents' house, so I can update you guys with pictures. :) Yay! I actually went to L.A. awhile ago. Ahh I hate driving there! So busy and the drivers are fckin jerks! They almost crashed my Bleu (my car). :/ They cut in front of you like they own the street or something. Anywho, remember that post where I said RED is driving my skin nuts? (click the word red to view the post again). I want to show you guys a picture of me that day so you guys can see how nuts my skin gets whenever I get RED. I also stopped my BC, and I noticed that my skin had gotten worse. :/ Okay, this is how my skin looks like the week I had RED.

Gross and Scary I tell ya! :/ Click to enlarge the picture. Look how my forehead has these gigantic pimples. Ugh. Yuck!

And so what I did, I washed my face with my normal cleanser and exfoliator, then put on some LY-NA Pearl Cream all over my face. The next day, this was my skin looked like:

Hah! Its amazing! it decreased the size of my acne. Its so magical! :) I'm loving it. Now my skin is almost clear. I'll do a proper review soon. People asked me how I apply it. Make sure you wash your face throughly because acne might get worse if you don't. After I cleanse my face with my regular cleanser and exfoliator, I apply LY-NA Pearl Cream all over my face then sleep with it. (That's why the husband hates it! hahaha!) When I wake up in the morning, that's when I wash my face again to wash away the LY-NA Pearl Cream. Then I put on some SPF Moisturizer to protect my face from the skin. Somehow, your face gets very sensitive to the sun if you're using LY-NA. :/

When my mom saw my LY-NA in my bag, she's like, "wow, I remember that thing back when I was young (High school young)." She said she used to use it too. Haha. But she stopped because she said it lightened her face. :/ She said she likes the Chin Chun Su better. It's also a face cream and it works like the LY-NA Pearl Cream.

Sigh. Okay, that's about it for the LY-NA Pearl Cream. Anyway, I went out drinking with friends. :) I didn't have any hang-over but I had so much fun. I had some ultimate mango berry margarita and some vodka with sprite. Its really good. Yum! :)

What my skin looks like after 3 days of using LY-NA Pearl Cream. Pretty amazing huh? :) I was in my pajamas. Sleep over anyone? Haha. You all girls are welcome to sleep on my bed. lol! :p Oh, pardon my no make up face :/

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ly-Na Pearl Cream Keeps the Husband Away

Hi Everyone! :) It's 1:57AM and I'm still wide awake! Haha! I didn't work 16 hours today but I dunno why I cannot sleep. Maybe because my body and mind is used to working late nights :)

Anyway, I went home during my lunch break and to my surprise, the husband handed me something I wasn't expecting him to have or bought :P He bought me a Ly-Na Pearl Cream (Pink One) Haha! I told you guys he reads my blog and knows all my wants. Actually, I told him I want that but I cannot find it anywhere. I don't know where he found it. When I asked him, he said "Secret!" Haha. Ok, I said, whatever, as long as I now have it! :)
(Image credited to

I tried it today when I got home. I washed my face with my Clinique Take the Day Off Cleansing Balm because this thing removes all the gunk out of my face and leaves it squeaky clean. The Ly-Na Pearl Cream has some directions that says if your acne gets worse, it probably means you did not clean your face good. Er, that scared me so I made sure I cleaned my face real good. Then after that, I used my Clinique Extra Mild Cleanser. After drying my face with a clean towel, I put on the Ly-Na Pearl Cream all over my face. Geez, the smell made me dizzy! It gave me a headache. I coudn't take it. :( So I lay down next to the husband and did you know what he said? "You smell like an old woman! That thing smells bad!" Haha. Told you, it kept him away the whole time. He did not wanna kiss me because of the cream on my face and yes, the smell is terrible :( Hah but I'm happy because I got to try the famous Ly-Na Pearl Cream. I'll do a review once I see results :)

Back to my shopping habits, I finally placed my order at Sephora! Yay! I'm so happy. The only thing is, I wasn't able to put the code BEAUTYBOX since they only allow one code per transaction! Argh! :( No Beauty box for me. I guess I'll just pick that up at the stores. If you guys don't know about the Sephora Friends and Family Deal yet, Just shop at and enter the code FF2008 to get 20% off your entire purchase.

These are the things I got:
1. Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler = $19.00
2. Dior HydrAction Deep Hydration Skin Tint SPF 20 = $38.00

3. Nars Blush in Super Orgasm = $25.00
4. Kenzo L'eauParKenzo Pour Homme - 3.4 oz Eau de Toilette Spray= $65.00
I got the Kenzo for the husband. Haha. He saw me shopping online and he asked what am I going to buy, then I showed him. He wants Kenzo so when he found out I have 20% off at Sephora, he said OK to buy those things plus the Kenzo :) I am so happy! Yay! My orders will come on 4-9 business days. I cannot wait. :D

Happy Shopping you guys! :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

CCO Haul and Oatmeal Mask

Hi guys! Finally I was able to join the Gothic Lolita Look Contest. Go to Ms. Tia's page to view the other contestants. I had fun doing this contest, so even if I don't win, its okay. :D
I'm here right now at my parents' house so I was able to take a picture of the palette I got at the CCO. They were originally $38 (I think?) at Nordstrom. They are called the Colourforms Palette. I wanted the Warm Palette (which is the palette I got) when they released it but I coudn't justify myself on buying it. Good thing I waited because I got this at the CCO for only $26 something. :)

I also got the MAC 217 Brush for only $15 something :) They say, you only need the 217 brush for eyeshadows and you're good to go, because you can use that brush for the lid, crease and highlight. We'll see. This is my 1st full size MAC brush. Haha. Wanting some more...

Anyway, OMG I hate this time of the month. Ladies know what I'm talking about. (I know, TMI!) but this red thing kills everything! My mood, my hormones, my skin! Ahhhh! *screams* I mean, I get so moody and get mad at the husband for nothing, eat like theres no tomorrow, will not want to do anything because the tummy hurts or head hurts, feels lazy, feels bloated, feels ugly and the worst part?? PIMPLES! Grrr! Yeah, I have some dots on my forehead and one on the cheek. I hate them all. I don't wanna take pictures. :( Its been raining all day. That's another one that adds up to my sadness. I don't know, everytime it rains, I don't feel like going out, then I feel sad.. My problems right now sounds shallow but I know you ladies feel this too at times :(

Also since its been cold (61 degrees the most), my skin is becoming dry everyday so I slather a good amount of moisturizer every night. The Benefit Dear John Moisturizer seems like its doing its work, because when I wake up in the morning, my face looks moisturized and glooming. I also treat my skin with some Home made DIY face scrubs/mask/cleanser. It feels good to pamper yourself once in awhile. I learned some of the DIYs online and did a research on them and tried them on my face. Its working and I'm loving it. :)

One of the home made DIY scrub/mask that I use is the Oatmeal Mask. I use this everyday for a week whenever I get the devil red thing once a month. It helps me relieve my dry and acne-prone skin. It also helps me dry my hormonal acne faster than the Origins Spot Remover.

Ingredients of Oatmeal Mask:
4 TBS of Oatmeal
2 TBS of Honey
1 Egg White

I mixed them all together and refrigerate them for 10 minutes or until its frozen cold. Then I apply the mixture all over my face using a foundation brush (example: MAC 290 brush). It will feel refreshingly cold onto your face. :) Then I wait for it to dry then I wash it off with cold water. Ahhh. Feels good afterwards. My skin feels moisturized and soft. Then I apply a good amount of moisturizer.

Benefits of these Ingredients for the Skin:
1. Oatmeal - Some of the lotions out there like Aveeno contains oatmeal and it contains skin-soothing properties that relieves itching and dryness of the skin and can help with minor skin irritations which is very good for sensitive skin. It also creates a barrier, protecting our skin from harmful bacterias out there. It is also a great gentle exfoliator and helps removes impurities and surface dirt that causes acne.

2. Honey - It has anti microbial properties that can relieve skin irritations like Oatmeal. It also has the ability to retain water, thus, moisturizing our face. It also helps fight the damage that the Ultra violet rays from the sun caused. It is rich with antioxidant that is good for the sensitive/acne-prone skin. It also has the ability to treat acne fast.

3. Egg White - It was proven to narrow your pores and tighten your skin and helps reduce wrinkles. When applied, you'll feel the tightening right away. It also helps lighten the dark spots on your face.

Sometimes, I substitute the Egg White to Yogurt. Yogurt has lactic acid which helps soothes and tighten your skin. It also has anti microbial and anti-fungal properties which helps removes bacteria from your skin. It is very recommended for dry skins.

Now, I am not here to convince you try this mask. If you are allergic to the said ingredients, please don't try this mask. If you are skeptical, ask your dermatologist first or do your own research. If you want to try it, apply a small amount of the mask on a little part of your face to test any reactions. Try it at your own risk.

I'll show you guys a picture of me before I started this mask. Of course, its not the mask ONLY that helps my skin get better. The other skincare products that I use daily helps me to achieve a better skin. I feel embarassed showing you guys this picture. Haha. Its so ugly. :/ Click to enlarge and see how ugly my skin was!

I mean, if you are to compare it now, my skin is a lot better than before. Haha. I used to use heavy foundations like MAC Studio Fix Fluid and slather my face with lots of powder and concealer. Now, I barely use concealer then I don't use anymore foundations. I'm happy I was able to take care of my skin before its too late. Of course, taking vitamins helped too.

Alright, I better sleep now. I still have to go to work tomorrow so I can support my spending habits. Haha. Hope you guys have a great day tomorrow. Nighty! :)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Gothic Lolita Look Contest Entry

Warning! Picture Heavy!!!!

Ms. Kimberly Tia
is hosting a contest called Gothic Lolita Look, and I really really want to join and I know you guys all know I can't because my SD card/digicam is not compatible with my Bro-in-Law's lappy. But since I really really (did I say really?) wanted to join, I decided to drop off the husband to work (eventhough he has a car) so I could visit my parents. :D And to my luck, my SD card is compatible to their computer! I was jumping with joy! haha! :D

So, some of you might ask. What is a Gothic Lolita Look?
(Description from and Image credited to

Gothic Lolita or "GothLoli"(ゴスロリ) gosurorii) sometimes "Loli-Goth" has two definitions. The term "Gothic and Lolita" is used by the Japanese to describe a sub-culture of teenagers who wear a wide range of fashions. It is used by English language sources mainly to describe a specific subset of Lolita fashion.

Here are the TOP 4 Pictures I submitted to Ms. Tia :) - I hope I'm not too late to join the contest :) In these pictures, I was wearing a headband from F21. It was only $3 something. The black dress is also from F21. :) I tried copying those pictures I saw at google image. :) Hope you guys like it :D

I took a lot of pictures coz I can't decide of what to send her as my entry :) I needed to choose 4 pictures. Here are the other pictures that I took :)

That's it for today. Hopefully I won't be working again 16 hours so I could visit my parents' and update you guys again with more pictures. Haha. Happy Sunday everyone! :)

Pictures Galore! (at last!)


Yes! I was finally able to upload my pictures! How? Well, I decided to drop off the husband to work so I could visit my parents. :D I was hoping their computer would be compatible with my SD card, and to my luck, it worked! :D Yay! So update galore! :D I warned you guys already! :)

This picture was the day I got my wisdom tooth extracted. I still remember that unbearable pain. It made me lose 10 lbs just like that :( I'm trying to gain those weight back. :)

This picture was taken before I went to work. The contacts made me look different. I don't know if that's good. Haha. But its very irritating to wear so I only use it when I'm driving or reading :p
Oh, these are the things I got at Little Tokyo. :) The 1st picture, I don't know the name. LOL! I got it for $12.00 and its just a peeling gel. It works on dry skin. I use it on my elbow or any dry spot and it magically turns my skin smooth. Haha. And no, I don't use it on my face :/ You can literally see the dirt and dead skin when you rub this thing onto your skin. Kinda like the SANA Peel Gel that Ms. Tia was talking about :) The 2nd picture was just little things I got there. The fake lashes are $1.69 each. They're lovely! I wanna get some more :D And the lil scissors is for my eyebrows. :)

This picture was taken when we went to O-bar at Cerritos :) It was fun. I drank, dance, :p

Oh, remember I wanted to cut my hair? Well, here it is now! You see, its much shorter now. They added more layers and defined the ends. When I curl the layered parts, it looks great :D

Another scrub day. This what my hair looks like if I don't iron it. It looks "Eh" :p

I tried the fake eyelashes and here's what it looks like. I was on my way to work on these pictures :) Don't mind those bumps on my forehead. They appear from time to time and disappear whenever they want to. They're like these fleshy bumps and I don't know what to do. They don't look like pimples but it bothers me. :(

Another scrub day :) Of course, I had to take pictures before I go to work. Haha. The camwhore that I am :pAnd another day of me wearing faux lashes. Ohhh, I'm getting addicted. :p
Well, that's about it. Whew. Oh, I also joined Ms. Tia's Gothic Lolita Contest. :) I'll post the pictures later! Yay! :D I hope you guys had a great Sunday! Well, I did. Because after church, I went to the mall and bought myself the MAC 217 and MAC Palette Colorforms in Warm at CCO :) I really love it! :D

Sephora Wishlist

Hi ladieees! How was the Halloween? Hope everybody had a blast :) As for me, well, I worked the whole night til 7am. I worked 16 hours again. I need money to get ready for Thanksgiving Sale :p I had to shop for Christmas gifts for my love ones :D

Oh, don't forget to set your time later! :) Remember, at around 2am, we will have a fall back. So instead of 2am, it will go back to 1am. More sleep hours for us :) But then again, I don't really sleep that much. I feel like the girl in that movie "The Ring". "She doesn't sleep and she won't stop" Haha.

Anyway, I'm so excited about the Sephora FF Sale! :D I'll be breaking my "no-make-up-for-now" rule! Haha. I told myself, no more hauling til next month. I just can't help it. I know you addicts know what I'm talking about :p

I just don't know what to buy! I know I'll be getting the Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler. $19. I just don't know if the Shisheido one is better. I need to know your opinions ladies :) I really need a good eyelash curler :D (image credited to
And since I don't use foundation, I'm also thinking of getting the Dior HydrAction Deep Hydration Skin Tint SPF 20. $38. I still have my Benefit "You Rebel Moisturizer, but I heard great reviews about this product and I just want to try it :) Actually, I tried it already at Sephora and it was OK. I still think the Giorgio Armani Face Fabric is better. So I'm not sure yet if I will get this one. :p (image credited to
I also want the Nars Blush in Orgasm. $25. I've tried it at Sephora and it looks really great! :) I don't own any Nars and I just want this so bad. :p It's a very popular blush color. There's also this blush called Super Orgasm and I wonder if that's better. (image credited to
That's all I'm eyeing at :) I'm also looking for a good liquid eyeliner. I'm tired of my L'oreal HIP Cream liner. It all dried out and I'm getting tired of wetting it everytime I need to use it :( So any suggestions for a good waterproof eyeliner?? Help me out! :)

So what you guys going to buy??

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