Monday, November 10, 2008

Ly-Na Cream update


Hello ladies (and gents)! How was everyone's weekend? Ugh, work again tomorrow. :( Lately, work has been draining me, especially at times when I work 16 hours. Sigh. I also joined twitter last night. People who has twitter can catch me there :) Just click this link --> twitter <--- to view my iTwit :) Right now, I'm at my parents' house, so I can update you guys with pictures. :) Yay! I actually went to L.A. awhile ago. Ahh I hate driving there! So busy and the drivers are fckin jerks! They almost crashed my Bleu (my car). :/ They cut in front of you like they own the street or something. Anywho, remember that post where I said RED is driving my skin nuts? (click the word red to view the post again). I want to show you guys a picture of me that day so you guys can see how nuts my skin gets whenever I get RED. I also stopped my BC, and I noticed that my skin had gotten worse. :/ Okay, this is how my skin looks like the week I had RED.

Gross and Scary I tell ya! :/ Click to enlarge the picture. Look how my forehead has these gigantic pimples. Ugh. Yuck!

And so what I did, I washed my face with my normal cleanser and exfoliator, then put on some LY-NA Pearl Cream all over my face. The next day, this was my skin looked like:

Hah! Its amazing! it decreased the size of my acne. Its so magical! :) I'm loving it. Now my skin is almost clear. I'll do a proper review soon. People asked me how I apply it. Make sure you wash your face throughly because acne might get worse if you don't. After I cleanse my face with my regular cleanser and exfoliator, I apply LY-NA Pearl Cream all over my face then sleep with it. (That's why the husband hates it! hahaha!) When I wake up in the morning, that's when I wash my face again to wash away the LY-NA Pearl Cream. Then I put on some SPF Moisturizer to protect my face from the skin. Somehow, your face gets very sensitive to the sun if you're using LY-NA. :/

When my mom saw my LY-NA in my bag, she's like, "wow, I remember that thing back when I was young (High school young)." She said she used to use it too. Haha. But she stopped because she said it lightened her face. :/ She said she likes the Chin Chun Su better. It's also a face cream and it works like the LY-NA Pearl Cream.

Sigh. Okay, that's about it for the LY-NA Pearl Cream. Anyway, I went out drinking with friends. :) I didn't have any hang-over but I had so much fun. I had some ultimate mango berry margarita and some vodka with sprite. Its really good. Yum! :)

What my skin looks like after 3 days of using LY-NA Pearl Cream. Pretty amazing huh? :) I was in my pajamas. Sleep over anyone? Haha. You all girls are welcome to sleep on my bed. lol! :p Oh, pardon my no make up face :/

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