Sunday, May 31, 2009

Beauty Review: Lush Angels on Bare Skin Cleanser

NOTE: Try this product at your own risk. If it works for me, it does not mean it will work for you too. Everyone has different types of skin. My skin consists of dry-combination-sensitive type of skin.

Image and Information are from

According to, Angels on Bare Skin is the all around cleanser for anybody. Ground almonds gently exfoliate, rose absolute tones and lavender oil soothes. A pea-sized amount with water to create a past. Result: Angelic skin!

PROS: It is very gentle on the skin, exfoliates really good. It does not sting, does not make my skin feeling tight, makes my skin feels really soft and smooth. It has fresh ingredients, very organic. It brightens up a dull face. It is very mild and it did not break me out. I really love this exfoliator and I use it once a week. You only need a little bit to exfoliate your face so you don't really have to buy a lot of this cleanser. $5 of this product is already enough for me plus you don't want to buy a lot because it does expire. I really love the smell too.

How to use:
  • Use lukewarm water to wet your face. It will help to open up your pores. 
  • Make sure to remove your make up 1st before using Angels on Bare Skin  [this lush product does not really remove make up]
  • Get a small chunk of the Angels on Bare skin and wet it with water to create a paste
  • Apply to face using circular motion - be gentle.
  • If you want, you can use this as a mask and leave it on for 3-5 minutes
  • Rinse throughly using cold water to close your pores.
  • Your skin should feel soft right after using this cleanser.
  • ENJOY!

CONS: Some people don't like the smell. It is also very messy so make sure you'll be doing this in front of your sink. It also expire so you don't want to buy a whole lot. You also have to make sure your room temperature is right or it will expire sooner than you think. Bathroom is not a good place to store this Cleanser because some people shower with hot water and the steam [if you don't have an exhaust fan] might affect your Cleanser - who knows, molds might grow in it. lol. It won't remove make up so don't rely on just this to remove the make up and dirt.

OVERALL: It is a great exfoliator. I would buy it again. The smell does not bother me at all. In fact, I do love the smell. lol.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Lots of Thank You! :)

Hello again ladies... 

I got home from work really really tired.. then surprise surprise some packages arrived today! I am so happy..

The 1st Package came from YUMEKO. I bought a brush roll from her. They're hand-sewn by her and let me tell you, her products are amazing! They're nice quality :) I am very satisfied with my brush roll. Thank You Yumeko!
Click the links to visit her page:

She added a hello kitty item and a few candies! Chomp Chomp! :) and look at her cute note at the bottom of the brush roll. Too cute! I cannot wait to fill my brush roll with the MAC brushes I'm planning to get soon.. [after I save up some money]

The other mail came from MAY of San Francisco. She messaged me and said she will let me try some Whitia Mask. I got really excited because I've been wanting to try it since Fuz reviewed them. 
Click the link below and visit her blogspot. :)

I can't believe she sent me lots of goodies!! OMG Girl, THANK YOU so much!!! I love everything!!! Look at how much stuff she sent me!!! She is so generous! :) I can't thank her enough..OMG I'm just so happy!!!

Her sweet note :)

The Whitia Mask that I am excited to try..

She also gave me a sample of the Paul & Joe WHitening Serum! OMG! Another Lemming!!! I cannot wait to try this!! :)

A Hello Kitty Charm. Very Cute :)

The Cute Kinda like a sticker thingy that she put on the envelope :)

The Nail polish I saw at Mitsuwa that I've been wanting.. I wish my nails will not break again.. I'm trying to grow them :)
Thank You so Much For Your
Kindness and Generosity..
Thank You for giving me the
Opportunity to try these mask!
You gave me so much and
I can't thank You
Enough for all of these.. :)
It made my week so happy!
Thank You again :D


Lots of the Beauty Bloggers have been so Kind.. Sending me lots of Love like May, WuzzyAngel, Diana [XmayaariX], Melissa [Fabulous Thrifty], without waiting for something in return, and lots more and I cannot thank them enough. I have not gotten to get some Thank You cards yet. But you know I will somehow Thank You Ladies for your kindness.. :) 


I want to thank some of the ladies who supported me on my Blog Sale. Thank You so Much Ladies.. and to others who has not seen my Blog Sale, Please Click the Link. Thank You! :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Beauty Review: MUFE Lift Concealer

NOTE: Try this product at your own risk. If it works for me, it does not mean it will work for you too. Everyone has different types of skin. My skin consists of dry -combination - sensitive type of skin.

According to
MAKE UP FOREVER LIFT CONCEALER is more than just a concealer. It contains TENSINE which is an active ingredient with skin-firming properties for the eye area, and Vitamin A and E, which regenerates the skin. The multi-purpose product also conceals specific, dark areas (brown spots, blotches or redness, etc) and can be used as a highlighter on the more prominent parts of the face (cheekbones, forehead and chin) for added radiance.

PROS: In my opinion, $22 is worth spending for this concealer! I returned the Benefit Boi-ing concealer because its not doing anything on my face and it looks cakey. But this MUFE Lift Concealer is truly amazing! It gives me radiance, makes my face brighter, hides the imperfections like acne scars and redness. It does not look cakey as well unlike other concealers. It also stays put even under the sun for hours with sweat and mist. - a crease resistant indeed!

After I take a shower, I washed my face with my regular cleanser, applied the MUFE HD PRIMER (which I will review later on..) Then I apply the MUFE Lift Concealer on all the areas I want. Then I blend it away.

Then I topped it off with the MAC DAME EDNA POWDER in "What A Dame". Look how it made my face looks bright and clear.

CONS: While reading some of the reviews from, some people claim that is too thick or its too dark on them. It received 4/5 stars. Other than that, do your own research because I could not think of anymore cons. hehe!

OVERALL: Its a great concealer! Will definitely buy it again! The Vitamin A and E is a plus and I like how it also heals my acne. Whenever I put in on my acne, I noticed that the inflammation would decrease until it dries up.

UPDATE 5/28/09

Yay Its almost Friday! I'm off Sunday-Monday and looking forward to do more Beauty Reviews (hopefully if I don't get too busy!) and guess what?? I passed my class - with flying colors! I did not expect to get such high grades considering I did eenie-meenie-minee-moee on the exam! Haha!

What else? Hmm.. Ohh I gave up my Blackberry Storm. Why? My carrier is AT&T and that Storm is supposed to be for Verizon only but I used it anyway, although I cannot use the full function of it like I can't download lots of things and it made me mad so I'm selling it! Haha! I don't have twitter on my phone right now - that explains my MIA on twitter.

I am trying to complete my MAC Brushes. I mean not all of it but I will buy maybe 2 brushes per paycheck [hopefully].

Hmmm.. ahh! I am currently having a blog sale! PLEASE Check it out.

I am selling some of my precious baby because I needed the money. Will tell later why. :) But wish me luck on whatever I'm planning to do. ahaha! I'll update soon! I miss you guys!

Oh! One more thing, those girls who's going to PINK'S POW-WOW/IMATS, what are you planning to wear? Please Please help me out! I need to choose an outfit! I have 20 days to think..

Click here for ALeGoo Comments and Graphics...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Haul for the Week

Hello ladies... and gents if there's any! As some of you know, I did some retail therapy after I had my final exam. I got depressed because 50% of the content of that exam, I had no idea.. I think I did "eenie meenie minee moe" on a lot of them. *sigh* I just pray I don't have to do it all over again.. I feel really stupid and sad..

So, I went to the CCO at Ontario.. and OMG! They have a lot of stuff!! From Dame Edna to Heatherette to Ungaro. I was so happy! Then the Sales Lady there is very helpful and friendly! I love her! She's so nice.. She showed me their entire eyeshadow collection and OMG! They have like 30+ eyeshadows.. Its worth going there guys! They even have MSFs! You gonna be broke at that CCO! Haha! :) Here are the 3 eyeshadows I got... My favorite? Eyepopping e/s!

Eyepopping, Shale, Bronze

Then I went to Forever21.. I was inspired by PINK to buy this headband. She looks gorgeous with this headband on so I bought it. It was only $3.80. Then I saw the 2nd headband (2nd picture) and thought it looks cute too. WHat you guys think? The 2nd headband was $6.80 :)

Then went to Papaya to buy some clothes.. These are the blouses I got. I didn't buy that much because I was saving my money for something else.. :)

I got really tan because of the sun.. I tan easily (which I really really hate!) Now, I am NC35! maybe NC40! ahahaha! Good thing I don't wear foundation or it would be really suck to buy another foundation..

I will try to do some of your request soon.. :) Have a nice day everyone!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Random Updates: 5

********Guys, my blogger friend EDNA or ABCGRRRL is having a give away! click this link ---> ABCGRRRL and enter her give away!! She's having cool prizes :) Enter now!! You know you want to!!!

Just look at her prizes! So generous! :) She's so amazing..
Don't forget to click the follow button so you won't miss any cool entries of her :)

Image taken from

Anyways, my finals are all done.. I'm just.. resting! I will try to do an entry soon.. I bought something from the CCO at Ontario! They have like 30+ eyeshadows there! OMG its so amazing! I love that CCO!!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I'll be back...

Hello Everyone. Just a quick update.. I've been MIA again. Why?? I'm studying for my finals for Tuesday. Wish me luck. Pray for me that I pass this semester so I can finally relax for the summer.. Haha. As much as I hate the sun/summer, I am very excited to finally get this Spring semester over with. Its been hell working and studying at the same time! I've worked 16 hours and study overnight. I've been so stressed.... Let this hell be over with! *cross fingers*

I'll do a lot of Beauty Reviews soon!!!
Upcoming Post:
  • Name all my eyeshadows *requested*
  • Beauty Review: MUFE Lifting Concealer
  • Beauty Review: MUFE HD Primer in Blue
  • Beauty Review: MAC Dame Edna Powder *requested*
  • Beauty Review: Eskinol Pearl Cream
What else do you guys want me to review? :) I'll be back soon. Love you all!!!!

PS: If you guys have any questions, feel free to comment here and I will answer all of them in one post :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Purple Look + Hauls

Note: It's actually 12:47PM now.. I wasn't able to publish this last night because blogger went on maintenance at around 02:30AM. :(

Hello Hello!! :) Its 2:13AM.. Yup, one of those days that I can't sleep.. I blame it on the Iced Cold White Chocolate Mocha that I chugged a while ago. :) I went to Orange County with Adrian to visit my brother in law and his wife, and guess what? I did an FOTD! Yay! :D Its been awhile since I did my last FOTD/EOTD so enjoy.. ahaha!


MUFE HD Primer
Benefit "You Rebel" Lite
Dame Edna "What A Dame!" Beauty Powder

Glamour Check e/s all over the crease
Lotusland e/s on the lid
Vanilla pigment as highlight
Backtrack liner
IPUM lashes

Moonflower l/s

I did more damage at Orange County.. Well, not really because I didn't spend that much. I used my giftcard to buy some of these things :) So, that made me really happy! :D

This headband is really unique. The husband said I looked like a peacock/chicken. ahaha! But I think its really pretty and I got some compliments a while ago while wearing this. :)

Then the husband let me get another one of this because its just too great! Really nice for summer. I am not a fan of any MAC Powders (except for my HK Kouture Powder) but there's something in this powder that makes my skin smooth and soft.

I finally got this eyeshadow!! Yay!! This is "All That Glitters". I've been lemming it since I can remember :) So I'm glad they have this at the CCO!! You won't believe how many eyeshadows they have at Ontario! They have Electric Eel, Nocturnelle, Pink Venus, Sable, Soft Brown, Humid, Freshwater and so much more!

This eyeshadow called "Henna" is going back to the CCO! Why? Take a look at the second picture below this! OMG Totally the same as my "Mink and Sable" and "Sumptuous Olive" Ugh! Makes me so mad for buying this! I'll just exchange it for something else!

Then I went to MACYS to return the Clinique Eye Make Up Remover that I got a month ago. Its just not working. It won't even remove my eyeliner completely, leaving me with racoon eyes in the morning. I thought they discontinued the Cleansing Balm but she told me they have a few more left so I was happy I was able to get this and just paid $11 because of the returned product.

This is the review I made  Click the link ---> "Clinique Cleansing Balm" I know its lame because there's no pictures. I  mean what's a review without pictures? So I will redo it and this time with pictures of before and after :D So Stay tuned for that!

Then I went to Sephora because I remember I still have $$$ left from the giftcard they gave me. My overall purchase was $60+ but I ended up paying only $12+.. How cool! hahaha! I love giftcards..

I got the Korres Yogurt Mask and I have it on today! I will do a review soon :) I'm so happy to finally get this! This is my 2nd Korres product. I'm so stoked! Haha!

I tried this MUFE Lifting Concealer at Sephora and fell in love with it. I must have it. Its priced for $22. Too much in my book. Good thing I have the giftcard or else I wouldn't get it. Haha.. I'll do a review soon. Hopefully it won't break me out!

..and this is a deluxe sample. I want to try Laura Mercier products.. but foundie is the last thing I wanna try since I do not use foundie no more... oh well! :p

I was trying to rearrange all the colors in my palette.. look how many looked alike! Haha..

Highlights and Golds..
Greens and Blues
Pinks and Purples

Blacks and Browns/Neutrals

I'm so happy about my entire eyeshadow collection. I don't have plans on becoming a make up artist but its just makes me happy when I get one new eyeshadow.. ahahah.

I'll see you guys next post :) Hope you guys a happy week! :) 

Monday, May 11, 2009

Beauty Review: Korres Wild Rose Mask

NOTE: Try this product at your own risk. If it works for me, it does not mean it will work for you too. Everyone has different types of skin. My skin consists of dry-combination-sensitive type of skin.

Images and Information credited to

Korres Wild Rose Mask is a brightening and Vitamin C Mask. It is suitable for any skin type and the effects will be visible right after use. It targets skin discolorations and promotes skin renewal, adding brightness and radiance to the skin.

It does not contain any of the following:
  • Parabens
  • Sulfates
  • Synthetic Dyes
  • Petro-Chemicals
  • Phthalates
  • GMO
  • Triclosan
Some of you know that Parabens can be irritating to the skin and can cause redness. Some studies says that it can also be connected to Breast cancer, although not yet proven. But its good to be on the safe side and to avoid having Parabens on your skincare products. Triclosan also was associated with the UK Cancer alert, also not proven to be that hazardous.

This product contains Wild Rose oil which is a natural source of Vitamin C, which helps aides in fine lines and imperfections.

PROS: It does brighten my face immediately after use! I love the smell and its very refreshing! I use this once a week and its been 3 weeks since I 1st use it, and I see that my scars are fading. Its a slow process though, but I'm happy that my acne scars has lightened a bit! It does not dry hard like any other mask that I've tried. It does not tighten my face, and its very easy to remove. It did not dry out my skin and you only need a small amount for the whole face.

In this picture, I only used a small amount.
You see, I still have my scars on my chin, but it did improved.

CONS: I guess the price? Haha. Nothing really. Some people said they are allergic to it. So use it at your own risk. Click for ingredients of the said product --> INGREDIENTS

OVERALL: I would definitely buy it again. I would also try the Korres Yogurt Mask and their other products! :)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

An Update

Hello Everyone!!! Its been a while since I updated my blog. Its been eons ago since I read other people's blog and I miss you all...


Last Week, I went to San Francisco but didn't have that much fun because of the rain.. I hated rain, I don't want to go out if its raining so we mostly stayed indoors and just spent time with our relatives there. I didn't shop, but its fine.

I have been very busy with school and work also. Finals is almost here so I gotta study my butt off to pass this class. I worked 16 hours last night and felt really horrible because I was awake the whole time I was in the hospital. No rest whatsoever.

I won the bet so I decided to treat myself and go to the CCO in Ontario. Didn't spend much so I'm happy I was able to control myself again..

I love this Dame Edna Beauty Powder. It brightens up my face. I use it to top off my TM. I wish I can get a back up of this because its just so nice for the summer.

This Emanuel Ungaro BP is just a nice blush color. Its sheer, yes..but its buildable and just gives the right hint of blush.

And to add to my growing collection of eyeshadows are these eyeshadows from Emanuel Ungaro. They are very sheer which is nice for summer. 

Yes yes, you guys have been so nice to me, showering/spoiling me with gifts and packages. I love you all. I will get you all back :) You'll see.. :)

This gift is from Wuzzyangel. She is so nice to give me some love from Hawaii.. Check her blog out! :) aww girl, you didn't have to do this. You are just too sweet! :) I will get you back soon.. ahahah! :) Thank You so much!!!!

This gift is from Melissa from Fabulous Thrifty. She is so nice to give me her Mario Badescu Whitening mask. I am excited to try it! Go check her blog out! She's awesome. :) Thank You so much girly for this wonderful surprise :)

Thank You so much again girls for being so nice and supportive. I love you all!!! :) I'll try to update more often..


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