Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy New Year!


I'm doing this post because I might not be able to post an entry on New Year's Day because I'm gonna be at work! *Sigh* I'm still on probation so I can't really do much! :( So, I wanna greet everyone..

2009 Here We Come!!!!

Glitter Graphics

So much things happened in 2008 that I will surely cherish.. All those memories..

January - New Year's last year was fun! I just graduated from College, and was so happy that finally I was done with books (for now). I also got engaged, and eventually got married :) It was also my 21st birthday :D My hair was freaking long! :) I miss it! :D

February - Took my board exam, got hired for my very first job ever, got my first paycheck too! Sweeet!! Money! Shopping starts this month...

March - Started watching Youtube tutorials. Got addicted to it, make up collecting started this month. Whew. I started with so little, then I noticed it growing each month. lol! Back then, I only have the basics. The only eyeshadows I have was Carbon e/s and a Bronzy one. I forgot the name. I also used to use foundation - from Studio fix to all those very thick coverage one. I only need the small steralite clear drawer back then :P

April, May, June, July, and August - lots of working, partying, and hoarding make up happened these months :) Co-workers and I drinking greygoose! Yum! and some pictures of me with full make up. I used to dig nude lips and smokey eyes a lot! hahah!

September - It was the husband's 22nd birthday! I surprised him with a party. :D I also dyed my hair dark brown :D I also bought my very 1st car :D

October - I only remember working 16 hours almost everyday. LOL! Getting ready for the holidays that's why! and lots of bills.. shopping.. make up hoarding!

November - Thanksgiving Day! Gone crazy at Cabazon. Here's the link (click) to some of the things I bought at Cabazon. :) Went there at around 12am. Shoot never again maybe next year! haha!

December - I got my MACBOOK! Hooray! :) Merry Christmas Everyone! I'm really thankful for everything I have now. I had a blast on 2008! Hoping to have a better year this 2009! :) Looking forward to it. I don't want to do a New Year's Resolution because I just can't guarantee that I'll do it. Haha. PS: Here's what my skin looks like now after my breakthrough with LY-Na. I still have little blemishes on my forehead which I think will never go away! lol! I dunno if they are pimples but they are these fleshy bumps, really small. I guess I need to go see a derma? :/

Happy Holidays Everyone! :) I hope you all do a year long post also :D
My birthday is coming up (next week), should I still make a wishlist? Hmmm....

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Presents :)


How was everyone's Christmas?? Well.. I went to 3 different Christmas Party. Lots of relatives that's why :) Here's the husband and I wearing our Santa's hat. :) I look so bloated! Haha! Yiii :/

Then the next day, another party and I took pictures of course :) After the LYNA thing, my skin got worse. I got pimples on my forehead and I hated it. :( Good thing I found Laneige. I tried their samples and I fell in love with it. The bottles were too expensive, but the husband was kind enough to let me get the full size bottles. Christmas gift! Yay! My skin is getting better each day..

Then the last party I went to, I was too tired to even put make up on. I know! :( I worked 16 hours that day, put on some eyeliner and MAC Mineralized Skinfinish/Natural Powder. That was it. My eyeliner smudged on me, and I looked ridiculously tired. I woke up at around 5am, and this picture was taken past midnight already. Horrible ! :(

So... Here are some of the gifts I received this Christmas. Thanks to all who greeted me and to those who gave me presents. I love everything I got :) There's more.. but I was too lazy to take pictures. maybe next time :)

NARS Palette! :) Yay Thanks to the husband! I loooovvveee it! :) It also came with the red pouch thingy. :)
Converse Jack Purcell matching shoes for the husband and I :) Mine's so small compare to his!

Empty MAC palette, MAC 239 Brush, and 5 eyeshadows

More MAC stuff :)

Empty MAC palette again (LOL!), Make up bags, Dooney & Burke coin purses

Japanese Magazine! (Hoooray! My 1st ever jap mag!), Laneige emulsion and refiner, lots of samples and pearl earrings again :)

Stila Contour Set

Here's what the palette looks like:

And you know what?? The parents are sooo nice to HELLO KITTY-fied my car! Yay!

Here's what my rag looks like: So freakin cute!!! I can't get over it! :P I love hello kitty! :)

Here's my steering wheel cover :)

Here's my plate cover. I dunno how you call this. LOL! Sorry I don't wanna take a picture of my whole license plate. Haha!

Here's my Sunshade which I can't use it since its cold outside. LOL! I'll use it over the summer maybe :)

I'm so happy for all the things I got! Thank You Everyone!! I love you all! Will update again soon. I had to sleep now since I have to wake up early tomorrow! Ugh I'm not a morning person.. :(

Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Holidays! :)

Myspace Graphics

Just wanna wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
:) I know I haven't been updating.. I was busy working! Yes Working even if its a holiday. Gotta suck it up since I'm still on probation and can't really do much.

I will be updating soon along with the gifts I received :) Thank you so much for your patience. Haha. :)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

My Hello Kitty Make Up Organizer

It makes me sad that I wasn't able to join Pink's Powwow! I had to work, and on top of that, its like an hour and half to get there. :( Well maybe next time. Hope you ladies enjoyed the party and don't forget to show me pictures! Yay! :)

My Birthday is coming up.. I'm turning 22! :P I feel so old now! Haha. I don't have any plans for my birthday. I'm too broke to even consider making a wishlist for myself. So I guess the husband and I will just have a quiet dinner. I'm too tired from work. :( I'm glad tomorrow's my Day Off! We will be at Glendale because we have a family dinner. Then on Monday, I will hit those Japanese stores and we'll see what I'll get. :p Hopefully the husband will let me get the Japanese magazines this time :p I'm also thinking of buying an outfit for the Christmas party that were having at Green Rivers. I still don't know what to wear, make up, etc.

I painted my nails and I think it suits the holiday. I got compliments from work wearing this nail polish :P I painted my nails at work! Haha!  I did this like 4 in the morning. My patients were asleep so I got bored. Haha. Oh I used Milani in Disco Lights in case you wanna know :P My nails are too long :P

Also when I got home, I Changed the decorations of my make up organizer. I decided to hello kitty-fied by organizer and my 88 CS palette. Haha. They look like kiddy make up now. LOL! But I'm loving it. I'm so excited for the MAC+Hello Kitty! I'm starting to save up! :P How much will you spend? :P

Ok, beauty chicas! HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONE!!! :)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Beauty Review: Lucido-L Aqua Hair Curling Lotion (Airy)

Note: Try this product at your own risk. The following review is merely my opinion. It is best to research all about a product first before trying it.

Images and product description are credited to:

Lucido-L Aqua Hair Curling Lotion (Airy)

Product Description:
It is a lotion for the hair to make cute curls. It is smooth, design to keep created style for hours even in a humid day. It is liquidy and easy to spray on hair.

Styling Techniques:
- Divide your hair into blocks first. Start curling 1-2 cm from ends in order for springy curls to look natural and beautiful.
- To create volume and look more elegant, mix outward curling and inward curling

To use:
- Spray at a distance of 5-10 cm to moisten hair. Blend into hair before styling using straighteners or heater curler.

Size: 180mL

PROS: It smells really good, easy to use, not sticky and it made my hair manageable! The curls was intact for more than 24 hours. Yes I had gorgeous curls and trust me, my curls never lasts long until I used this product. I'm very happy and yes I'll repurchase :) It's also cheap for $8.49 at Mitsuwa.

CONS: Its hard to find and I have to drive an hour just to buy this :(

OVERALL: To see is to believe. Curls for 16 hours :)

Oh, I also tried the NARIS EGG PEEL, and boy, I lovvveee it! I'll do a review soon!! :) But look: it looks scary! Haha! :p
I'm also done gift wrapping all the Christmas presents. Yay! I'm glad that's over :P

Well, goodnight Ladies! I still have work tomorrow :) I'm sorry if my replies are late. I have been sooo busy at work and at home :P

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tag Game + Hauls

I was tagged by 3 ladies: Thank You! :)

Directions: Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you, at the end choose 3 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them, don't forget to leave them a comment "you're it" and to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you (duh).

Ok on to the 16 random things...
1. I have the weird habit of not throwing the boxes of all the things I bought. :P Who does this? I just wanna keep them like new. :p I have my blushes and face products still in boxes too :)
2. I hate taking vitamins. I don't know why! The husband has too force me to take my multivitamins! :p
3. I love hoarding make up but don't like to use the new ones til I run out of the old ones :p
4. I want to buy japanese magazines but can't read/understand a single japanese word. haha. I'm so weird.
5. I hate being in school but manage to be in the dean's list when I was in college.
6. I love competition at school. Whenever a person gets a better grade, I try to study more to beat that person's average :p
7. I'm trying to learn how to drive a stick shift :)
8. I started collecting make up last March 2008. Yup, I just started! :)
9. I love the color PINK! Since then..til now!
10. I got engage a minute before I turned 21.
11. I have 6 piercings - 2 on each ear, earlobe, and belly ring
12. I want to have 2 kids before I turn 30
13. I want to go back to school to finish my BS in Nursing. I still have 1 year to go. Too lazy!
14. I sleep late every night
15. During my days off, I sleep like 10 hours or more
16. When I was a little kid, I joined the girls scout. lol!

Ok so I went to Orange County today with the husband and went to visit some stores there :)
Here are some of my haulage today :) Weee! Cute Pinks! :)

First stop was South Coast. I just went to some stores but just decided to get some of the Bath & Body Hand Soap. They are 3 for $10. I also got the Rose Salve for my dry lips. :) Then I went to the MAC stores to return 6 empty containers so I got a free lipstick! Yay for free stuff! :) I got the Cremesheen lipstick in DARE YOU.

Then after that, to Mitsuwa to buy some pore strips for the husband :) I was looking for the PINK Lucido-L but did not find it, so I got this one instead.

Then we went to The Block and I decided to check out their CCO, and heres what I got: Neo Sci Fi Eyeshadow in Magnetic Fields and a Dazzleglass in SPANKING RICH. Super pretty glittery reddish something :p I also got this Hello Kitty Skin for my Itouch :) Super cute! :)

Then last stop was the Amore Store. I was going to get the Hanskin Caviar BB cream but I changed my mind. I think I wanna try the Le'gere one first! :) I was also going to get some Laneiege stuff but the lady told me to try the samples 1st. She gave me tons and a free pearl earrings. What did I get? Some pretty faux lashes! :) Aren't they pretty?

I had a long day today and had too much fun! :) But its all worth it. Thanks to the husband :) I have work tomorrow :( So I gotta sleep now. Hope you ladies have a good today later :) Peace Out! :P
Oh, I'm tagging whoever that hasn't done this thingy :P

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