Friday, December 5, 2008

The Wallflower - Contest Entry

I entered another contest. The 4th contest I joined so far. The 3 ones, I did not win. haha! So I will try again this time :)

Paperdollrevenge/Diana is hosting a very interesting contest called, "The Quickie Mini Contest" where you need to write a blurb about yourself. Check her blogspot out for more information and rules of the said contest.

To be honest, I'm not very good with words. I hated doing thesis in highschool and college. I hated my English teacher for making me write multiple essays and stories. lol. But on the other side, I love blogging. Telling things about myself, letting out all of my rants, exposing all of my insecurities. haha. I had so much insecurities growing up!

The Wallflower
She was the girl who's always been at the background.
Did you notice her? Many will say no.
The girl who had a lot of insecurities in life,
always been so conscious about herself.
Always been thinking she will never be pretty like her mother.
Girls made fun of her, guys laughed at her.
But now, everything changed. Shyness in her disappeared.
They laughed at her, she laughed with them.
Are you ready? Because she's here!
Indeed a flower, but not meant on the wall.

Elementary, I was very shy, quiet, always on the corner. Nobody notice anyway so I did not care. I don't talk unless you talk to me. I can't even believe that I joined a pageant when I was in 5th grade. I remember the feeling - I wanted to pass out in front of these people. I was stammering when they asked me to introduce myself. I felt a knot on my stomach, ready to vomit. hahah! Gross! I won 2nd place though :) Also my mother is very pretty. People always say, "Is that your mother? How come you don't look like her? She's very pretty." I've always wanted to look like my mom. Japanese eyes, fair skinned, black hair.

Highschool, trying to come out of the shell, but was having a hard time because of my insecurities. Lots of questions always come up to my mind such as "How come she have that perfect skin? How come she got big boobs? Wow, she has a nice butt." I look in the mirror, I don't see those. I want those. I was a late bloomer. I was very skinny.

College, Somehow, college made me feel very independent. I learned how to put some make up on, try out some new styles of clothing, speak up for myself, and just love myself for who I am. :) Yes, I still have some insecurities. Who doesn't? But I'm more comfortable on my skin now. Loving and living life to the fullest!

So that's it for my contest entry. :) Hope I did not bore your minds out! haha! :) I will update my WISHLIST soon. Right now, I feel so tired. My back hurts! I went to the doctor and I had a blood draw. Ugh! I'm not very good with needles nor pain. :( I coudn't handle it :( I'll be in OC and LA tomorrow. G'nite ladies! :)

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