Saturday, January 31, 2009

Beauty Review: Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque

PICTURE HEAVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NOTE: Try this product at your own risk. If it works for me, it does not mean it will work for you too. Everyone has different types of skin. My skin consists of dry - combination - sensitive type of skin.

Information provided credited to:


Dry up acne pimples and rinse away blackheads. This original masque treatment helps to dry up acne pimples, rinses away blackheads and even shrinks enlarged pores. Relaxes tired facial muscles and eases tension lines on the face and neck.

On the tube:
Mint Julep Masque is the original natural home treatment developed by a dermatologist that helps dry up acne pimples, rinses away blackheads and shrink enlarge pores. Simply apply Mint Julep Masque to your clean face and neck. Within minutes it firms and hardens, drawing out impurities from your pores. After the masque is removed, your skin will feel clean, refreshed and smooth. Even for individuals who are fortunately free of skin problems, Mint Julep Masque is a refreshing facial treatment that helps relax tired muscles and ease tension lines on the face and neck.
Water, Kaolin, Bentonite, Glycerin, Zinc Oxide, Propylene, Glycol, Sulfur, Chromium Oxide Greens, Fragrance, Phenoxythanol, Methylparaben

The following information is credited to:

Bentonite Clay can help with the following:
  • Allergic Rhinitis or Hay fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • General Detoxification Requirement
  • Yeast Infection/Candida
  • Gingivitis
  • Parasite Infection
  • Adult Acne - Bentonite masks may be helpful in drawing out toxins. These masks are usually left in place for 10-15 minutes, removed by rinsing or gentle rubbing with a soft wash cloth and applied three times per week.
My Take on This Review:

I read Ricebunny's review about Kitty Litter Mask and read that Kitty Litter has Bentonite in it. I began to read articles about Bentonite and when I found out that Queen Helene Julep Masque has Bentonite in it, I was ecstatic! :) I mean I respect Ricebunny's creativity but I won't use a Kitty Litter on my face - well that's only my opinion and I hope I did not offend anybody. Besides I don't own a pussycat :p

I followed the directions, washed my face with my regular cleanser and applied this afterwards. I noticed the smell right away for it smells like a toothpaste. Very minty. It is not hard to apply. I just applied it generously on my face, avoiding my eye area and wait to dry. It took 12 minutes to dry. Smiling is hard when it dries. lol.

Eww! Please excuse my super dry lips in here :( My lips has been chapped over the winter and I hate how it looks. Any lipbalm suggestions? Anywho, here's what my acne on my chin (I know its gross!) looks like before I used the Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque.

I only used the Masque 1 time and when I woke up the next day, this is what my chin acne looks like. Amazing isnt? I found a "magical" masque that will replace the love I had for Ly-Na. :p

  • It is cheap and is available everywhere
  • Easy to use, not messy
  • Easy to remove
  • Your skin will feel refreshed and smooth afterwards
  • It really dries up your acne
  • When I applied it, I felt a tingle sensation and a "sting" on the acne
  • It is very drying. A good moisturizer afterwards is a MUST!
It is a very good Masque and it does what its promise. At 1st I was very hesitant to try this masque but when I found out that my local beauty supplies has this, I decided to give it a try. I'm glad I did. I will buy it again :) Just don't overuse it for it might get immune to your skin. I always rotate my skincare products.

On to my boring life... Yesterday was amazing! :) I watched 2 movies in 1 night. We went to Ontario Mills and decided to watch a movie. We watched the Bloody Valentine 3D. It was very bloody indeed. It was a good movie but I think it could have been better like the 3D effects. The movie kept me guessing who was the killer. lol.

The next movie that we watched was the Gran Turino. It was a great movie. I almost cried. Omg it was so sad but I love the values in that movie. :) All of my emotions came out. I got sad, mad, almost cried, and laughed. lol!

Then today, I went to the CCO and Sephora. I returned my Dior Tinted Moisturizer because It looks cakey on my face although it has great coverage. They gave me a giftcard so I used that to get a Dior Lipstick 346! Yup! My 1st ever Dior Lipstick! Yay! Its a cute coral shade. I love it! You don't even need a lipgloss for its very shiny already. :) I might get addicted! Hah! :p

Then I went to the CCO and saw that they have huge selection of eyeshadows! I got eyeshadow happy and picked up 4 eyeshadows. :p I'm so going back there and get more! Should I depot them? :p
Evening Aura

Sunset B. (Starflash)

Bold & Brazen (Starflash)

Magnetic Fields

And guess what I received from the mail?? Yay! At last my MAC 187 brush came! It took so long! 3 weeks long! But I'm happy I got it. I also have my mini 187 which I sometimes carry whenever I go out of town. :)

And some pictures of me of course :P

Well, that's it for my haul :) I will leave you guys with this Skittles Commercial. For those Filipino (like me) and Thai might find this funny :P

Thai (tailor): Hey! Don't eat that!
Filipino (guy in the mirror): But I'm hungry!
Thai: Stop eating that!!
Filipino: I'm hungry so I should eat!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mini Haul from Beauty Supplies

I went to this Beauty Supplies/Salon near my area and found some interesting things inside :) So I picked up a few things. I really like that place because they carry so much stuff for a lesser price. :)

They have lots of China Glaze to choose from. I don't know how much is this costs in other places but I got it for $3.99. I got the "Evening Seduction" I think I will be going back to get more colors. :D

Then I also got this because my nails always break so I'm going to give this a try. :)

I finally cave in and bought this stuff. I will do a review soon :D I used it today and I still have the mask on. :p

I also got this for my mom. She asked me, "do I really have a sagging skin now?" lol! It's funny. I told her "Uhmm.. yeah, just try it and lemme know how it goes" :p She said she tried it and loved it! :D Below is a picture of my mom. She's gonna kill me if she finds out I posted her picture which she will because she knows my blog. lol!

I saw this at Kimberly Tia's blog and I was tempted to try it :p We'll see how it works. :)

I had this for like a week already. I will do a review soon :) I got this at Amore store for $20 :D
I have a quiz tomorrow about "Leukocytes" :p so wish me luck! :) I don't have work tomorrow but yeah I have to wake up early to find parking coz parking sucks at my school :/ Work is emotionally draining as usual. Ugh! I'm just glad the furlough or the decrease in our paycheck is not going to happen no more for we are the state employees that are "inside the fence"; meaning we deal with very dangerous mentally ill criminals. :p

Ok time to sleep. Hope you guys have a good day tomorrow :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Beauty Review: Laneige Strawberry Yogurt Peeling Gel

NOTE: Try this product at your own risk. If it works for me, it does not mean it will work for you too. Everyone has different types of skin. My skin consists of dry - combination - sensitive type of skin.

Information/Product Description credited to:

  • Gently massage your face with hands, and dead cells will be removed naturally with cellulose.
  • Experience a clearer and smoother skin the next morning!
  • This peeling gel contains strawberry extracts that help keep your skin healthy and moisturized.
  • The exfoliating enzyme contained in the red capsule helps to gently remove dead cells deeply buried in the skin, facilitating turnover of the skin and making it vital and healthy.
  • -Apply a nickel-sized amount (2cm in diameter) on clean dry face, and spread it evenly on the entire face avoiding eyes and mouth area.
  • -Massage for 1 minute. Once cellulose brings dead skin cells out of the skin, wash off with lukewarm water.
  • -Use once or twice a week. Adjust frequency depending on skin conditions.
  • -If you have sensitive skin, massage very gently.


  • It does leave your skin very soft and smooth
  • It is very effective in removing dead skin cells
  • It leaves your face looking glowy and radiant afterwards
  • It smells so good! Yummy too! :D
  • It is really hard to find (I got mine at Amore Store)
  • It is pricey in my opinion! LOL!
  • It gets messy! The dead skin cells gets into your sink
  • It won't treat acne - can actually make it worse if you have an acne with pus because it can pop if you massage this product on it. So if you have acne, please massage your face very gently.

  • I did follow what the directions says but I only use it once a week since I have other exfoliating products that I use.
  • After I cleanse my face with my regular cleansing product, I use that much (refer to the picture) for the whole face.

  • As you can see in here, there's so much stuff on my hands when I was massaging my face. Now, before you say, "that is not dead skin/dead cells, that is just the product you just rubbed all over your face" The you are WRONG! Because some days when I use my other exfoliators and use Laneige Strawberry Yogurt peeling Gel afterwards, I don't get this much dead cells/dead skin. In fact, I don't get none of this when I exfoliate my face 3x a week (which I know I shouldn't do).

  • After gently massaging my face for 1 minute, I use lukewarm water to rinse it off. Then you will notice right away how smooth your skin is. Apply moisturizer afterwards. I use Laneige Emulsion 2 as a moisturizer.

Yes I would very much buy this again. It smells so yummy and it does work in removing dead skin cells, and I don't mind spending $20 for a product that works :)

MY OC and CCO trip

I did buy one thing on my way to Orange County. I needed some gym shoes so Adrian insist for me to get some running shoes so we can work out together. Nike has some great sales on their running shoes so when I saw this, I told myself, I want this! Its too cute :) Now only if I can buy/have a Juicy Couture track suit, then it would perfectly match my shoes. LOL! Ok, we did went to the gym (24 hour fitness) at OC but I think I was better off walking through the malls than doing cardio at the threadmill. I'm so weak I couldn't even do the bikes for 5 minutes. Seriously, I'm so lazy! I need to get my butt to the gym more often :(

Then I went to the CCO at the Block and yes I did see some few things I want but I had to stop myself because I remember I need to save up for the MAC Hello Kitty, which is btw 2 weeks from now. :) So I left CCO sad. :( Then today, after church, we went to CCO at Ontario and was shock that they have the RED SHE SAID Smokey Eye Palette. I did not get it because I don't really use those eyeshadows that much. I did see again the MAC Mineralized Duo Green Mix so I just went ahead and got it :P I want the Pink Split also but they were SOLD OUT! :( I also got the MAC Glamour Check e/s. Its a nice bronzy brown e/s.

I also went to Walmart and look what I saw! :) Lots of Valentines Goodies and yummy chocolates and cute stuffed toys! I love me some stuffed animals. I have a lot courtesy of the husband. haha. Lookit the frog I'm holding. So cute :D

Well, that's it for today. I have been working so I wasn't able to bloghop for 2 days. Good Night ladies :)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Make Up Blog

Heeeellooo! :) Yes I'm still up. I am a nocturnal person and usually sleeps very late. Anyway, Adrian (the husband) is still playing PS3 in the living room so here I am trying to blog hop and lurk :) But I usually leave my prints :p

Oh, join us at Poupee girl (which means doll in french). I swear its so fun and addicting! You guys need to join! :P If you wanna get invited, just shoot me an email @ and I will send you an invite. Its too cute and plus you can actually post your own pictures of make up, clothes, jewelry etc and get to earn ribbons for it and use that to buy clothes for your doll. It reminds me of sims. :P
poupeegirl fashion brand community

But the purpose of this post is to tell you guys that I have a new blog dedicated to my stash for sale :) I decided to make it since those make up for sale post is already crowding my little blog. I hope you guys do visit :) It's

I wanna thank those sweet and stunning ladies that bought things from my stash. Its really sweet of you guys to support my make up sale. :) So again, thank you! :) (I wish they have smiley that we can use here on our blogs :P)

Oh, there's no more free make up left! I went earlier to see if they have more of the Clinique Moisture Surge because I fell in love with that stuff! Seriously, its so refreshing and guess what, I woke up this morning with a very soft skin! I just love it! That 30ml thingy that they are giving away costs $22 at CCO. Its a shame I only got one. I should have gotten more :(

I guess this is it for today. I did not have time to take pictures or anything. Night ladies :) See you on twitter :D Oh yeah, anyone has Yahoo Messenger?

Add me up! :)

Yahoo Messenger - email me
Gmail Chat - email me

Internet has full of stalkers people! Ugh!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

MAC Haul & Free Cosmetics

Hello again ladies! :D

I feel happy because a lot of things happened today and I also did a lot today! :D
  • I finally sent all the packages and entered their tracking number so that they can track their orders through paypal. :D I hope they will get their packages soon :D
  • I studied at work for an hour! :)
  • I was able to do counseling with my patients.
  • I went to school today and took full notes instead of being lazy. I also listen to the prof intently :D
  • I got my MAC package today!
  • I also got some free cosmetics. Yipee! Yay for free stuff!
So, after school, I dragged the husband to the mall to get us some free cosmetics. I also informed all of my co-workers about this. My mom also got free stuff! :D So here's all that I got *giggles*

I got the Vera Wang Body Polish, and lemme tell you, smells so good! You guys need to get this! :D You will love the smell :) and its huge! :D

Clinique Moisture Surge :D

Lancome Fatale Mascara in Black. Anyone tried this mascara before? Is it good?My favorite! The Estee Lauder Night Repair :) My mom and my friend got this also :) Its like a medicine with a dropper. lol!

Those are the things I got this morning, now onto my MAC haul. I took advantage of the MAC FF Sale and got these things. I also got the 187 Stiffling Brush but its still pending! Grrr! I wish I bought more brushes. :( But some of them were already Out of Stock!

MAC 224 Blending Brush! :D Yay! :D I want more blending brushes! Haha! :)

MAC Black Tied e/s - I only have Carbon e/s for a black e/s but who needs lots of Black eyeshadows? :P
Brush cleaner for my MAC brushes :)

MAC Vanilla pigment! Gotta have it :D

These are all of my full size MAC Brushes so far.
224, 239, 266, 217
I also have a MAC Brush set SE from the Heirloom Collection which I got at the CCO :)
That's all what happened today and what I got today. Oh, I am getting addicted to Poupee Girls! You should totally join and ask an invite from Diana. It would be fun dressing up your doll and sharing us what you have in your closet :D

Alright, goodnight ladies :)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Haul for the Week

Hi ladies! :) I'm officially back to work after a long 2 weeks of vacation. Yep, 2 weeks is already a long time for me since I got used to always working. I wasn't happy about how my week (last week) turned out to be.

  • Our Anniversary was last January 11, 2009 and we were suppose to go out and have fun but I got so sick, I coudn't even get up. I was throwing up and had a liquid diet for a week. Bleh! I was so sad but the husband was so nice to stay beside me the whole day. He did not work that day and the next day :)
  • I wasn't able to study for my upcoming quiz because, well watching TV was the only thing I wanted to do when I was sick in bed. :/
  • I wasn't able to clean the bathroom. Ek!
  • I wasn't able to do any paperworks for work :(
Lots more that I forgot to do even when I felt better, I still don't have the energy to do things :( Today I was able to study a lil bit at work and I began reading the new book that I got. :) OMG! I love this book! I can totally relate to the main character :) Reminds me, I need to stop shopping.

CONFESSIONS of a SHOPAHOLIC by Sophie Kinsella

But you know, this post is for all the things that I got this week. So I did not just splurge my heart out on these on just one day. lol. I actually bought some on different days. :)

I was sad all week, so the day that I felt better, the husband insisted that we go to Orange County and he will let me shop. Yay :) As a present for our Anniversary of course :)

So here are the things I got:

DIOR HOLIDAY PALETTE - I wasn't planning on buying this one because the 1st Sephora (at Cerrito's) that we went does not have this anymore, but when we went to Sephora South Coast, the husband saw this one and it was the only one left at the shelf! The husband said, "get it before anyone sees it!" :p So pretty colors and very pigmented! :D My 1st Dior palette ever! :D *Squeals*

Omg! My 1st ever Dior Lipgloss and I am loving it! :D I love the shade :) I can get used to this lipgloss.. heaven! :D
HARAJUKU LOVERS FRAGRANCE in LOVE - This one is actually a gift from my Mom. The packaging is cute but I think they should have put some perfume in the doll as well. :/

NARS LIPGLOSS in Chihuahua and All Night Long - I love how these lipgloss are not sticky and they are very pigmented! :D

MAC EYESHADOWS in Parrot, Mink&Sable, and Sushi Flower - I got these MAC eyeshadows at my local CCO. :)

Dooney&Burke Bag and wallet :)

I also took advantage of the MAC FF Sale 2 weeks ago and my package hasn't come! I'm so mad! I already emailed them because in their site, it says my products has been shipped! But they did not give me a tracking number! :(

Also I used my Nars Holiday Palette yesterday :)
Excused my untamed eyebrows. I know it looks ugly. :( I used Bohemian Gold II on the lid and Night Flight lightly on my crease. I think it came out alright :) Its very pigmented :D I have such big eyes, big eyebags and big cheeks! Haha!

Well, anyway, that's it for now. I have to sleep coz school starts early tomorrow. Sigh. Night Ladies! :)

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