Monday, January 24, 2011

Singapore-Philippines Vacation -- Part 8

Note: lots of pics in this post

Part 8! Last one! :) These have been such a great journey for me. This vacation was the best I've ever had! Imagine, I didn't visit the Philippines since I came to Cali for 7 long years. I don't know why I didn't. All I know was I've been busy making a new life here. New friends. New everything. It was so hard adjusting in a new county, new environment. I missed my friends back home. I'm so happy I met some amazing friends here.

Here are the recap:

Next trip: Baguio! I've always think this statue at the road going to Baguio looks like a gorilla! Hahah! :P

Here is the hotel we stayed in! Its so nice! It's 3 bedroom! :D

The bathroom :)

The kitchen & living room

Here is the hubby and me's bedroom :D

We went to one of the famous spots in Baguio. "Mine's View Park"

This place looks so much different now. I think it looks  better before. But that's just my opinion. Now its so crowded, so many houses, not much of a great view anymore. But I guess still nice.

We bought some "taho" (soy beans/tofu) I miss eating it that I think I drank/ate 2 cups! Hahaha!! It just taste so good! Now I want it again!

hmmmm.... yummy!!!

Mama Lily (my grandmother), Francesca (Adrian's sister), Adrian, Me, and Mommy Mernie (Adrian's mom)

Eating some fish balls!

Having fun with my siblings in law ^_^

St. Bernards! So cute!! They're huge!! Hahaha!!

The view at Mine's View Park

Adrian's cute brother :)

My grandmother who took care of me since birth because my mother has to continue her nursing school. I love her so much. She is the best mother anyone can have.

I enjoyed Baguio so much! I enjoyed Philippines so much! I hope to be back soon!

 At the airport -- going home to Cali with my new baby ♥

Thank you so much for reading all my Vacation Posts. Thank you so much for all the comments! I appreciate it a lot. :) I hope you all had a great weekend! ♥ Next post will be my little haul from all these vacations I had.

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