Saturday, June 27, 2009

Contest Entry: DSK Jewelry + Some Update

Update: Please see "Hello Iyah News" for latest updates and tidings about me. I also created a Wish List. What you guys think about the products I put there? Are they any good? Do you own any of those items? Share your opinion please..

Contest Entry for DSK!

So I finally finished my Contest Entry! I took forever in editing them. The only thing that is missing on my entry is sending Ms. Steph an MP3 player of my current favorite song. I actually don't have any MP3 songs on my itouch or macbook. Haha! I know what a loser I am! :P Hope you guys like the video :) Feel free to ask any questions.

Check out her jewelry blog and enter her contest!! It would be fun and just look at all of her hand-made jewelries? Aren't they awesome! Go ahead and order.. You know you want to! :)

This is the Jet Black Checker Board I ordered + the Clear AB Stars Earrings.

A Close Up look of the Combo. I love them! I gotta own some more earrings..

Here I am wearing a the necklace called "Black Rose" - check it out on her blog

I hope I did everything right :) Steph, hope you like my entry :) I love you and your jewelry! :P

Daddy's Birthday + Kitties
Daddy's Birthday was last June 24 but we weren't able to celebrate it because I was working that day, so today Adrian and I woke up early so we can pick up the cake and take them to eat breakfast.

I picked up that "?" Candle because I don't wanna reveal Daddy's age! haha :P He loved it very much not to reveal his age. LOL! Btw, its a flan cake! Yummy leche flan!

We're missing Mommy!! :) Here's my little sister and brother and of course Daddy! :)

Singing "Happy Birthday" to him...

Make a Wish! Daddy.. please wish that I win this contest! ahahah :P Nothing's wrong with wishful thinking :P

Anyway, my sister's cat gave birth to 4 kittens [its her 1st time having babies] and then after a few days, my sister found some kittens nearby and our neighbor said the mother of those other 5 kittens was gone [probably eaten by a cayote!] so we adopted the other 5 and put them with our 4 kittens so total we now have 9 kittens! We were hoping that the Mommy will feed them but to our dismay, she don't wanna feed them anymore!! She is probably thinking "Who the hell are these other kittens sucking my breast?!"

No I am not squeezing this kitten! LOL! I am trying to hold her but she's moving and trying to let go. She's probably hungry.. My sister said it looks like I was choking her. hahaha!

Pictures with the kittens..

She is so pretty.. So photogenic.. look! She's looking at the camera :) Makes me cry that they are not eating :(

Here..I am trying to feed them manually but they don't really want to! I guess they don't like the formula Daddy bought..

Wearing a purple dress which came from the Philippines :) I love wearing dresses in a hot summer like this! Daddy asked "Are you pregnant? You look pregnant!" Ouch! No, I just have a chubby tummy!!! I love my JC bag! I want a brown one! :)

My sister Jannica and Adrian

and of course a picture of me and the husband. i Love Him! :)

Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend! Any plans tomorrow? Like I said, tomorrow, Adrian and I will go to Ontario Mills to check out the CCO then we'll go to OC to watch Transformers and go to Skylark to buy some nail polish. :) If you see me there, say Hi :) Love you all!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Part 2: The Dinner [POW WOW 3]

Part 1:

So, this is the Part 2 of the IMATS/POW WOW Trilogy.. almost done! Sorry it took so long! I am still waiting for the pictures.. but I guess I get very impatient and just wants to finish our little trilogy now! lol.

Getting Ready!
Let's start where Adrian and I stayed and where I changed clothes and did my make up.

Yup, we got a room at Holiday Inn at Burbank. The hotel was nice, overlooking the pool. We were at 7th floor. The main hassle is that only 1 elevator is working at that time so it takes forever for us to go to our floor. Ugh. Well, anyway, the room is clean, most importantly, the bathroom is clean, but the flat iron does not work properly!

Yes, I'm wearing DSK Jewelry. Stunning isn't?

I did a very simple smokey eye with white eyeliner on my waterline to open up my eyes more, then MAC Dame Edna Powder.

The Dinner
We arrived at Tahoe Galbi kinda late because well.. errr.. we kinda missed our exit *blushes* but then again, they just started eating so its OK. I sat next to Miss Aubrey (Fafinettex3) but then we weren't able to take pictures as we were all busy chatting with each other. The place is exquisite! They have delicious food. All you can Eat!

Miss Pink and I [noticed that I kinda look fat on my belly?! I just freaking eat! I stuffed myself too much..haha or maybe I just have a chubby tummy!]

Miss Jess and I [again on the belly.. ahahh! I amuse myself too much]

Me, Miss Jess and Miss Ria [they are both HOT!!!]

Ria and Me! ..and Jess! ahahaha! She's such a cutie!

Jess trying to take my pictures but I snapped a photo of her 1st! She's just too cute!

Stolen Shots..

Me, Jess and Ria with her sexxxyyy legs! :D

Noticed how we are all looking at different directions? There were like 3 or 4 cameras taking our pics. I dunno where to look! AHAHA!

Jess and Me again :)

Then after the dinner [explains why I looked so bloated! I have a chubby tummy, isn't obvious yet? I keep on stressing it! ahaha] we had an exchanged gift. I got Angela so I gave her a palette which I bought at the IMATS and some mini gifts. I hope she likes it. I love that palette! I should have gotten one for myself. haha!

Guess who I got.. Miss Jess!! Woohoo!! Its funny because I tweet her asking what she gonna get for her secret swap, she's like "Oh I can't tell you coz what If you're my secret swapper?" and it came true! hahaha! Just look at all the goodies she got me..

She even gave me a picture of her.. weee!! I feel so special :)

..and yes my own Style Warrior lippie!! Yay!!! I feel so happy!!! :)

So, you think the night had ended?? NOPE!! We went clubbing afterwards and that's were all the craziness happens. Unfortunately, I don't have too many pictures of that night where we went clubbing so I gotta wait for Miss Jillian to email me some of the pics Miss Pink took.

Get Ready for Part 3: Into the Club! :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Monday Love Pack

Ok, I'm just taking a break from the IMATS/POW WOW TRILOGY. I am still waiting for the Part 2: The Dinner and Part 3: Into The Club pictures. So once they send it to me, I will start working on the post. Unless, they make an entry 1st before I do.. ahaha which is fine :p I will still finish this Trilogy :P

Anywho, I usually hate MONDAYS! You guys know what I mean right? 1st day of the week - time to go to work or school! But last Monday was actually nice for me. I went to the Post office to check mails and guess what I got! The Give-away gift from Edna! I was STOKED! I was jumping with joy! She totally made my day! *Giggles* Check her page!

Edna is a very sweet girl. I think we first talked through Twitter. I think she also watches my Youtube videos and we began talking about the Hello Kitty Event and what products to get. She even made a haul video of her goodies and I was so envious of her hello kitty brush holder. Haha. :) I really love her bubbly personality. She is a truly amazing person. A friend who I will always treasure. I want to meet her someday and Thank her for all the kindness she's done :)

She decorated the box with MONOKURO-BOO stickers and lots of flower stickers. Its so cute!! How does she know I love MONOKURO-BOO?? That piggie is just too adorable!!

She wrapped them so nicely in this very pretty paper which I'm saving! Haha! I love the colors :P Yes gotta love Purples/Pinks :)

I love her mini business card! I want one too!! Edna, where did you have this made? I want one. Haha. I know I probably won't distribute them but its nice to have it. :P

Her very sweet note. I will give Pink Fish's relative a good home. I will love her and take care of her :) Thank You so Much Edna for this love pack. Its just too nice of you to give all of these. :) YOu are a very sweet person :) I Love You my friend! :)

I will give Peter Catcat my candy. :) Don't worry Its OK. heehee! :P

I haven't tried this yet.. I will for sure. :) I'm sure I'll it.. especially if its good for the body..

When I opened the box, euphoria is what I felt! I couldn't even explain what I felt. I know people might think I'm exaggerating but seriously, the happiness is overwhelming! ahaha!

I saw Pink Fish's relative right away. She.....vibrates! hahah! :) I named her PLINK! After a MAC Lipstick. hahah! PLINK is just too cute! I will put her on my pink digicam :)

..and look! OMFreakingG! MAC HELLO KITTY PINK FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it? I own you now! Wooohooo! I am totally inLove! Yes Yes! Its perfect for the summer! :)

Ohhh Benefit to plump my lips more.. :) I love Benefit's products!

She also gave me this cute hello kitty thing [what do they call this?] and now I'm excited to paint my toes! :)

Masks! I am so excited to try these masks! I love masks! :)

...and I am so excited for these O.P.I. Polishes! She gave me my 1st 3 O.P.I.s!! OMG Thank You so much Edna!!! You are the 1st one to give these to me!!! *Grins* These colors are so pretty for the summer :D

Green Teas and Candies!! YUMMYYYYYYYYYY!!!!

..and yes I definitely need energy on my Mondays! ahahah!
Again, thank you so much Edna! You are too generous girl! :) I love everything you sent me!!! :) We need to exchange numbers so we can text each other and update each other :) *Wink*

So I just changed my AT&T plan and they let me upgrade even if I was still under contract. *Wink* So I got the iPhone 3G S but they were sold out at the stores so I have to wait 7-14 days to get it. I absolutely cannot wait!! I wish they could ship it sooner than 14 days! I got the 16gb WHITE one. I like it better than the black one. I want to bling it out! :)

We also got a Samsung 46" 1080p 120hz LN46A850 [lol, getting technical here..] I really love how clear the picture is! It looks amazing.. like real.. Its so scary to watch a horror movie. lol!

Here is when the husband was playing UFC Undisputed. He likes GSP [George St. Pierre] and Brandon Vera just because he's Flip. lol.

This picture does not justify the beauty of our new baby. Hahah! :D

Hope you guys had a great Monday too! :) Looking forward for the Weekend Now! Any Plans?


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