Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Swap Inquiries *EDITED*

Hello.. I am taking a break from studying and thought why not post about "Swap and whatnot"
I have received so many emails regarding "swap". They want me to get them things. The famous one they are all asking is the Laneige Strawberry Yogurt Peel, Japanese magazines, and Japanese things. I have explain to them and will explain again that:
  • I have to drive 1 hour just to buy them so getting these things will cost me gas! & its not fun to get stuck in a traffic!
  • Japanese magazines are heavy! Which means shipping them will costs me a lot!
  • Lastly, Do I know you??
I don't want to be mean but I learned my lesson! I won't ever ever swap again with people whom I don't really know. You must be a blogger/twitterer who I frequently talk to.

I had my 1st swap with this girl (who will be un named - I'd say check BLOGGER SWAP!) and she asked me to get her some stuff. Since it was my 1st time, I agreed and got her the things she wished for. Packaged it right away because she mentioned in her email that she is getting ready to package mine too. I was excited!

I sent mine IN PRIORITY so she will receive it right away (hoping that she will do the same). She got mine, I waited for her patiently. She told me she will give me the tracking number (I emailed mine to her). It has been 2 straight weeks that I didn't hear from her so I emailed her again asking for the tracking number. She didn't even bother to email me back. (LESSON #1: Always communicate with the other person. You have to update each other ALWAYS!) I still gave her the benefit of the doubt and waited for the tracking number. One day she emailed me and told me she just sent it and that she did not get a tracking number because she doesnt know how. (LESSON #2: Be honest to each other! Do not say things that will be used against you! if you don't have the tracking number, then don't even say you will email me the tracking number) (LESSON #3: Always let the other person know when you'll be able to send the package. DO not lie! If you can't send the package, you must immediately tell the other person so the other person won't be waiting for nothing!) When I finally got my package, I was disappointed BIG TIME! Because she did not send me what I asked for/what we talked about, instead she gave me these things - some samples and things from other people. (LESSON #4: Get to know the other person. Read her blog and know what are the things she like or doesn't like) She gave me this thing that I didn't like and she probably didn't know (I had a similar one and sold it in my blog sale). (LESSON #5: Regifting is a NO-NO! Especially if you posted it in your blog and people already saw that you got that from your other swap. If you didn't like what you got, be at least decent to keep it or give it away to non-blogger people).

Yes I had a horrible swap! X( In conclusion, NO I WON'T SWAP with you if I don't know you that well. Sorry..


Edited Part:
LOL! If you wanna know who she is, I'd say READ MY COMMENTS! Hah! One of the girls emailed me and yes she did this - not just to me - but to a lot of our blogger girls. She asked for stuff and now they are waiting for almost 3 weeks.. and she has the guts to say she is busy with this and that! (LAST LESSON: If you are too busy, don't even think of swapping! If you find time to email us, then you should find time to go to the Post Office and mail our stuff!) She had too many BS! She will say she is busy with school or have to do this and that and makes damn lies. She has too many lies and excuses! She is making this poor girl wait & told her she is busy to mail her parcel. What a bitch. She should not swap if she is busy.. Grrrr! Yes she is now getting to my last nerve!

Yes she is a horrible swapper!! if I were you, ask for your stuff back!!! or call the police and tell them that you swap with her but she never mailed yours. (which is true for some our ladies!) I dare her to comment on this or even email me.. Then I'd have no choice but to post our email conversation.. :) Yes I'm still being nice! :D

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