Sunday, January 31, 2010

Love Package and January Favorites

Hello again! ♥
Yesterday and today, I didn't work 16 hours! hooray for 8 hour shifts. LOL. It's almost Valentines Day. What you girls going to do with your hubbies? :) I hope he will take you out and just pamper you for V-day :D Unfortunately, Adrian and I are working that day. But it's all good. I feel so pampered everyday anyway with his sweetness :P

a week after my birthday, I got some lovely packages from these lovely blogger girls.  They are just too sweet. I love them! :)

This lovely package came from Edna ( I've met her in person and she is a sweetheart :) She sent me a cute birthday card, two O.P.I. nailpolish *btw, she's the one who gave me my 1st O.P.I. nailpolish* and a Benefit palette :)

Benefit in Celebutante. Such pretty palette with these gorgeous lip products and a high beam (highlighter) and also Dallas bronzer :)

Thank You so much Edna ♥ I love Everything! Regards to Daniel, Peter Catcat and Summer Catcat ☺

This cute package came from Melissa ( She is so nice to remember my birthday. She  gave me this cute polka dots headband, Hard candy blush, eyeshadows, and China Glaze nailpolish ^_^

I love this blush that she gave me :) It's from Hard Candy and its called "Living doll"

Here's a swatch. It's a pretty pink color :)

Thank You so much Melissa! You are just too sweet! ☺

I wanted to make a video of this but I'm just too tired and besides I'm already in my pajamas. hahah! So I decided to join the bandwagon and do "Monthly Favorites" as well. ♥

1. Clinique Extra Mild Cleanser - I'm half way through and this is my 10th bottle already! Haha! I changed cleansers so many times but I just keep on coming back to this cleanser. It is so mild and just washes away all the dirt. This is recommended for people who has sensitive skin. Indeed EXTRA MILD because it didn't break me out.

2. and 3. Korres Body Butter in Yogurt and Guava - these are my HG lotions. They're the  best! As a person who always washes her hands, it gets extra dry so I needed a lotion that will keep my hands soft and smooth. These babies keep them super soft! I will never use other lotions besides these. I will seriously keep on buying them. After I take a shower, I slather the Yogurt body butter on my skin and it will feel amazing afterwards :)

4. M.A.C. Brush Cleanser (in a Hello Kitty bottle) - when I'm in a hurry, I just spot clean my brushes. I love it because it doesn't smell strong, plus it look cute in my hello kitty bottle :P

5. Sea Results Eye Mender Plus - you guys know I work lots of 16 hours and rarely gets my sleep, so I needed a good eye cream so I won't get puffy eyes or dark circles, and this eye cream does its job! My co-workers are like "Oh so, you got some good rest huh? You look well rested" hahaha, what they don't know is even if I don't work 16 hours, I still sleep like around 3am or 4am :P

( a picture of me without any concealer, just the Make Up Forever Powder)

6. Hard Candy Blush in Living Doll - I've been using this everyday since the day I got it from the mail (Thanks Mel!) and its just so pretty! I love how it looks on my skin (refer to the swatch).

7. Sephora Lip Stain - I love the "berry stained lips" look. It just looks so fresh, looks so nice if you aren't wearing any eye make up.

8. Benefit "Dear John" Moisturizer - This is my 4th jar already! I just love how it moisturize my skin! (My review: Adrian loves the smell of this on my face plus when I woke up in the morning, my skin look fresh and glowing :)

Hope you all have a great weekend! See you next post! :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Random Updates: 8

Hey guys! I'm still alive.. lol. I've been away from Blogger for like a week now :( It saddens me but you can still reach me from Facebook and Twitter - and now Haha! I didn't know you guys have lots of questions and even my sex life became a topic. lol. :P I can't say much because Adrian reads my answers! Hahaha! :P Anyway, I'm so happy to be connected with you all.. it's like an addiction that if I don't post on my twitter, I become uneasy, sad.. lol crazy huh!

Anyway, as I've said, been so busy at work. I am their new medroom person and has limited contact with patient. I should feel safe right? but its super stressful! Knowing all these freaking medications, taking orders, going to the pharmacy to pick up things, transcribing, etc, makes me damn cray-cray! OMG like its insane! So when I get home, all I wanna do is relax and watch TV. Sorry guys if it seemed like I haven't updated or blogged hop. Once I become stable at my new position, I will surely get back to blogging.. I have lots to blog! Hahaha! ^^

I have too much plans this coming February! I want to enroll in a Yoga class to de-stress myself and of course strengthen my body too.. I also want to talk to my school counselor about my plans of going back to school in the Fall. Agh! Thinking about it already stresses me.

I need retail therapy but I'm avoiding that right now. It's not  healthy for the pocket and not healthy for me because it means I need to work more.. :(

Here are the things I'm eyeing:
➠ Alice in Wonderland Book of Shadows
➠ Lychee Rhoto V
➠ My Beauty Diary Mask *especially the White Truffles*
➠ Benefit You Rebel Lite
➠ More Korres Shower Gel and Body Butter (because they're awesome!!!)
➠ Anastacia Eyebrow Kit (so I can groom my eyebrow at home)
➠ Hello Kitty Watch (need a watch that has seconds - for my duty)

That's it for now..

Miss you all ♥

Friday, January 22, 2010

Perfume Search + Ask Me Anything!

Hello guys. Well, I can't sleep. I was suppose to be at work right now but I got sent home. Boo!!! I was so ready to make that moolah you know? Haha.. Anyway, just finished drinking my hot choco which Adrian prepared for me.. Brrrr.. so cold in here. I hope the rain will stop soon :)

I'm on a perfume search so please please help me!! :) Please comment what is your favorite scent and what kind of scent it is (e.g. Burberry Brit Sheer - floral and fruity kind of scent). I appreciate it so much and Thank You guys in advance.

I have joined the Valentine's exchange gift with the other Beauty bloggers and I already bought some things for my Secret Valentine ^^ I'm so happy I got her. She is special to me. Hahaha. I will buy the rest of the things I'll be sending next week so I can send it at the end of the month. So excited.

Anywho, I was surfing through some facebook comments and got interested in this site:
It's where readers/friends can ask you questions either anonymously or they can reveal their identity. Kind of fun don't you think?? So if you have any question, ask away! :) I will be posting a widget on my side bar if you guys are interested in asking  me ANY questions. hahaha. Of course I will try to answer all the questions.

Love you all and see you next post! *wink wink**

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Herrohachi Tees + The Grove

Herrohachi T-shirts by: Kym

I commissioned our dearest Kym to draw some pandas for me. She then created/drew this piece and I fell in love on how cute they are!! ^_^

The matching tees are my gift to Adrian for our anniversary. He thought it was cute. He's my Panda :P

we were both squinting because of the sun ^_^

She also included this very cute earrings :)

Thank You Kym!! We love the tees! :)

We went to LA to try the Pink's Hotdog and let me tell you this, its freaking delicious!! YUM YUM! I wanna go back there again..

After our amazing dinner/night, the next day, Adrian took me to The Grove. :] It was my 1st time to go there. It's just too pretty with all the lights :)

The sky looks so pretty :) I love how my camera captures the true colors of the sky. :)

It's been raining cats and dogs.. I'm feeling so lazy and unproductive. Whenever it's my day off, I want to be able to go out and just..maybe just look and shop. But today is different.. its just too sad with the weather like this! :(

Also I'm excited for Pink's Pow Wow. The theme is amazing!! are you going? :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Best Day Ever

Hello ladies ☺ I want to share to you guys one of the happiest day in my life ♥ It was so romantic ♥♥♥

01.11.10 is our anniversary which marks 2 years of our life as hubby and wifey..

I woke up late that day.. he  told me to pack up so we can go to his brother's house. I said, "why? are we going to sleep in there?" He said yes. So I was thinking maybe we'll just eat dinner and just go to his brother's house. Its Ok because we don't have any budget as we already spent a lot on my birthday.

So.. on the way to Orange County, I wasn't paying attention and was just thinking alot (bills,work,etc) during our 1 hour trip there. Imagine my surprise when he stopped in front of a hotel??? *giggles**

So, Okay he said, "did you like my surprise?" I was like "of course!! I can relax and have fun.. :P I love staying at hotels.. because I didn't have to worry about fixing my bed which I hate - and I don't know, I always feel relax whenever we stays at hotels :P

He then told me to get ready.. so we can eat out. Yay for dinner. I don't know where he is taking me. He said he has a reservation somewhere. I was stoked :)

He took me to Orange Hill restaurant and let me tell you - its so gorgeous!! It's on top of the hill and I love amazing views. Did you know he proposed to me at Laguna Beach - On top of the world? :)
I ordered King crab which is absolutely scrumptious! ^^ and he ordered Steak and lobster which I also loved ♥

The view is so gorgeous. It's just breathtaking ♥

I feel like I was on top of the world.. The weather was nice, wine tastes so good, I was with the most wonderful man in my life and the view was gorgeous. It was so perfect, I felt so happy.

This is outside the restaurant. It's also very nice in there. The landscape looks amazing. I definitely recommend Orange Hill if you are looking for a romantic time with your other half. ♥ Good food. Amazing view. Nice place.

Of course our Anniversary did not end there. We also went out the next day, but that would be in another post. Hope you guys are having a good weekend. Happy Sunday everybody. :) I'm working today and possibly double but I don't mind since I need to make up for that 10% paycut they'll be giving us. It's sad but I guess we just need to sacrifice and hope for a better tomorrow. Happy Weekend!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Birthday Love

**Picture Heavy**

Part 2 of my Birthday Bash ^_^ I received so much gifts from these beautiful and generous blogger gals and I'm just so thankful for everything.. i love you all! :)

Kay - sent me a Birthday gift and look what's inside! Hello Kitty stuff.. awwww.. its just the sweetest gift ever ^_^ and also its the year of the Tiger, its so perfect! It would be my lucky charm :) Too cute! ♥

There's goodies inside! Yum ♥ Indeed BIG SMILE.

She gave me more goodies in a cute hello kitty zip bag :)

Inside the bags are some samples - BB creams, skinfood, etc :) I love the Skinfood Caviar foundation :) and the Kitkats which the hubby wants to eat! I better hide them! :P

..and just look at her fabulous Birthday card to me! :) Its a pop-up! Super cute! OMG Thank you so much Kay.. you made my day very special. You are just too generous. I will somehow repay your kindness.. Thank you again! Love you lots! ^_^

May Yau - also sent me some birthday love. This girl is the one who 1st gave me a Whitia mask. She is so generous and just super friendly! :) Lookie what she sent me.. Hmmm.. the parcel smells so good when it arrived. hahaa! :) ♥

She also gave me 2 kawaii earrings! Too cute lah! :) She knows me too well. :)

These are what's making the parcel smells so good. Lush oh Lush! They smell so divine ^^
Thank You so much May and I pray for your father to be well soon. Love you lots girl. :)

Tammy - surprised me with a lovepack too! OMG I totally didn't know she's going to send me something. That's too nice and super sweet of her :) Her super sweet note.. and her super cute wrapping paper ♥

Look how much goodies she sent me.. mask, skincare, shishem, etc. Love them all! :)

Yay a Hello Kitty stamper! Too cute :) Thank You so much Tammy for the lovely surprise ^_^ I totally didn't expect it so it was such a very nice surprise :) So sweet of you! Love you lots girl! ♥

Love of Make Up (I won her give away and she sent me the prizes in time for my birthday! Yay!)
She is so generous and just so lovely :) Look at all the goodies she sent :) ♥

I've been meaning to try the Fresh lip treatment and now its mine! yay!! Thank you again girl for having this awesome give away and for sending it in time for my birthday! ^_^

For all the people who greeted me again, Thank You so much.. and if you sent me a birthday card thru snail mail, I wanna say thank you again though i have not checked my PO BOX, will do that tomorrow. Thanks everyone for making my Birthday special. I love you all! :)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Birthday Part 1

Picture Heavy.

I am officially 23. :P I still remember when I turned 18. I told myself, "yay I am now an adult, I should set some goals." Then I turned 21. I told myself. "yay I am now legal, graduated from Psych tech, what now? go back to school to be an RN?" Then I am now 23 years old, I'm telling myself, "I'm getting old!!!" lol Life goes by so fast.. especially when you're having fun.

Anyway, I woke up late that day.. So we weren't able to get breakfast. Adrian asked me what I want to eat, I told him, I feel like eating some dimsum.. :) So Adrian took me at Ten Ten.

Some of my favorite Dimsum..

..and Yang Chow (sp?) It's Yummy in my Tummy :)

i love him so much ♥

Adrian took me and my family to Benihana for dinner. :)

My sister, Me, Mom, Dad and bro :)

I love watching people cook! :)

A small clip of our dinner being cooked :)

The soup. I love it!

Making a Wish.. *wishing *wishing

Adrian took me to LV store, he said we'll just look. I always admired the Speedy and Neverfull LV bags. But I like the Neverfull. He asked me if I like it, and I told him yes. To my surprise, he told the SA that we'll take it. Haha. He is just so sweet. ♥ He's like, "if I know, you already knew I'm going to get it" :P To be honest, I wasn't expecting to get any expensive gifts because I knew we spent so much already last Holiday. So I really appreciate my husband. I love him a lot. ♥

The parents gave me a pair of silk jammies :) They know I love wearing Jammies :) Thank you so much!

I want to give Thanks again to everyone who made my birthday very special :)

Next post would be the gifts from my Beautiful blogger babes :)


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