Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Celebration & Presents ♥

Note: Picture Heavy

Hi Everyone! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas ❉ Are you all staying warm? It started raining this evening. It was so cold. Brrr.. Anyway, I just wanted to share with you guys our Christmas celebration and of course the presents ☃ ♥

The best Christmas present I got? Adrian able to walk again. He still uses the crutches but he can now put weight on his foot, that means he can cook again for me! Hahah! The best present ever! ♥

Half of our day, we spent it at Adrian's aunt's house. It was so much fun!

Yay for presents! Grey blouses ♥ I love it!

Then after that, we went to my parents' house. This picture was taken by my point & shoot camera, and I love it!! :) Reminds me of the picture of a front card. :D

We were watching Toy Story 3 because my siblings hasn't watched it yet :)

Adrian, my brother, and my sister :)

My sister wearing one of her gifts :)

Dad opening his gift!

My brother opening his gift! Converse shoes! :D

My mom with her gift. I put some goodies inside *wink*

My love opening his gift. I gave him Nike basketball shorts so when he's better, he can play basketball again! ♥

The parents gave us knife set for our apartment! Yay for sharp knives! LOL!

Opening my gift :)

Parents gave me this Hello Kitty wreath. So cute!!!

& then this Wine bottle stopper :) Now I need more wine! Hahaha!

A surprise from Adrian, a hot topic box came 2 nights before Christmas and I asked Adrian if he ordered anything from online and he said no, then I found out on Christmas day what it is! Hahaha! So sneaky! I didn't know he was able to order this, as it is sold out online! 

I'm happy & warm!! :P I love it beyb!! Thank you!!! ♥

Then another surprise from him! ♥ He was the one that woke me up when the Sephora x Hello Kitty came out for two days. He said, "look, the hello kitty is on sephora website  now!" I was excited of course but it was so expensive so I told him, I'd pass & would wait til January comes. He was like, "you sure? Get it if you want to" I said it's fine. But I have been talking to my blogger friends and twitter about the brush set (and mind you he reads my blog too!) so he probably got the idea that I WANT THE HELLO KITTY BRUSH SET! Hahaha :) I'm so thankful for having a kind and observant husband :P

Beheaded Hello Kitty! hahaha!

Such a cute set, but I don't wanna use it! Hahaha! :P It's actually soft & so much better than the MAC Travel brush set.

& He is very good because he got me the free TOKIDOKI bag too!! YAY!!! :D

He also got me HK blush in "Cherry Blossom"

 ...and HK lipstick in "Peachy"

I was drowning with HK goodness! ♥ I'm not really sure how he picked the colors. lol. :P I love you Adrian! Thanks for always making me smile :)

Then my co-worker also surprised me with these HK nail polish and sticker! I totally didn't expect her to send me this because when I woke up that day, the first thing I noticed was these nail polish were SOLD OUT! I was freaking out and told her how thankful I was that she got me this. ♥ Love you Celia! Thanks for being so sweet (my co workers know about my blog! lol!)

Adrian's aunt gave me this coach wrislet. So pretty!

She also got me this MAC palette! I guess this is the holiday palette this year! So pretty!!!

My other co-worker gave me this perfume. Funny story. I told her, "what's that smell? is that your perfume? Smells really good!" She said, "yeah its the Burberry Sport for women" Then lo and behold, she got me one! hahaha! :) She said I'm like a daughter to her. How sweet! I have the best co workers ever!! :)

Sis & bro in law gave me more make up to play! Nymphette l/g and Kitchmas pigment. Such nice colors :) So excited to play with them!

Now my other co worker who thinks I'm nuts for having all of these hello kitty items gave me a hello kitty pillow. He said I am always yawning at work! Hahaha! Well, I feel tired all the time :( But thank you for the pillow! I love it very much!! It's very cute!

See how long this HK pillow is? *hugs it tight*

More Hello Kitty stuff given by my family and friends! ♥

Such a lovely watch! I have to take it to a shop to adjust the size. Too big for my wrist.

My favorite!! ♥ I love it! It matches the coin purse Rina gave me! :D

That's all :) But let's not forget the true meaning of Christmas. (of course I have few friends who don't celebrate Christmas and I respect that) It's not about the gift we receive, but its also about giving, sharing, forgiving, and the birth of Jesus Christ. Thank You everyone & I hope you all have great holidays! Merry Christmas once again & I hope you all have a great New Year as well! 

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