Saturday, October 24, 2009

Frozen at 22 and Angel Earrings

Hello ladies.. and gents! :) Was back to work last week and has been working lots of hours *exhausted* but I'm fine! :) I'm off.. so I figured, why not do a post :P

I bought an earrings from Mona.. check her creations at her website:
I love my Angel earrings ^_^

with flash

Very Beautiful.. Very elegant ^_~

New Moon
I am so excited for the New Moon, that I can't help but make my version of "Bella Cullen" Of course she is still going to be "Bella Swan" on New Moon, but whatever.. and yeah wish I was only 18 too.. Hahaha. Frozen at 18, or 21 would be nice.. :P

I think I should be a vampire on Halloween :)

K & DJ's Wedding
Our friend K and DJ also got married last week.. It was so much fun! ^_^ They had their reception at Orange County mining co. The view is gorgeous! :D

don't mind my bra strap :P Wearing DSK Pegasus, switched the Rose heart and used my Jet Black heart :)

3 Down
I finished these 3 things today! Yay!! :) Benefit "You Rebel" Lite is a really nice TM but I'm trying to finish or give the M.A.C TM one more try before I repurchase this Benefit :)

And of course, you guys already knew that I repurchased the Benefit Dear John moisturizer! :) Its so rich and creamy, my face loves it!  :D

Finally done with MUFE Microperfecting Primer in Blue so now I'm using the Pink one.. review coming up soon! :D

Sephora took advantage of me again.. hahah. Don't forget to order yours! Ends Nov 2! Enter FF2009 at Check Out to get 20% off! and to get another 4% off, use enter my email: for referral please? :P

Friday, October 16, 2009

Clinique GWP!

Hello ladies.. and gents! I have not been working.. It's been 7 days since I last worked. Going back to work on Monday. It was a great 9 days off. LOL.. Monday is the start of my 16 hours shift. X( So not looking forward to it.. UGH!

Anyway, If you have not join WuzzyAngel's Give away, now is the time.. hahaha! :] Let's help each other spread the word and gain awareness! Fight Breast Cancer! GO PINK!

Clinique GWP
Yay! I love GWP! More goodies for me.. its not like I'm breaking my "no make up haul" since I only bought some skin care.. and these make up are free! :P Btw, its been exactly 2 months since I bought my last make up.. It was August 16.. Now its October 16.. Can you believe that? I can't either.. Haha! With so much goodies at the CCO, I can't believe I was able to resist it :P I am also thinking of extending my "no make up haul" til November..  Hmmm..

My acne are all dried up.. But I bought this so I can maintain an acne free skin.. Let's see if it works, will let you know! Will do a review soon :]

My back up! My all time favorite cleanser. I always love trying out different cleanser but somehow I always end up going back to this cleanser. EXTRA MILD! So MILD indeed! :]

If you spend $21.50 and more at Clinique, you can get this GWP.. Its so cute! Hahah! LOve the prints :]

Blush and 2 eyeshadows :] Perfect for the "I gotta hurry up" make up..

Cute lipstick shade for the Fall :] Can't wait to try it out :D

My favorite exfoliator! A mini one! ahahah! Its such a great exfoliator, I tell ya! I need to make a review regarding this 7 day scrub cream. As for the DDML, Not really a fan of this moisturizer.

Hello Kitty!
I went to Sanrio - I always stop by there whenever I'm at Ontario. Whether I buy something or not, its a must that I stop by at that store.. :P I bought some stickers.. and I saw this iPhone 3Gs cases there, and I fell in love! OMG for $16.99, I thought its worth it! :D Very pretty case! They have more designs there..  I love my iPhone :]

That's it for now.. I will be very busy next week so I probably won't be able to be on blogger.. Will miss you all :D Happy Weekend! I'll be at Anaheim tomorrow to attend our friend's wedding! :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Updated: Make Up for Sale (Oct 18)

email me:! I do not accept orders through comments anymore. Please email me if you are interested in any of the following products!
1st come 1st serve basis

Shipping includes tracking number & products will be shipped in a bubble envelope

CANADA: $3.00 - Sorry no tracking number

OTHER COUNTRIES - depends on the weight of the product

+ .50cents with any additional items


Also my friend Leslie is selling a...

$199.00 plus s&h of $20.00 first class mail (US buyers only), $25 for priority, insurance is optional. (The item is a little heavy.)

mode of payment: paypal/moneyorder/cashier checks.
Email her if you are interested:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Haircut + More Pics of Our Place

Hello Guys! ^_^ I finally got a haircut. I was going to donate my hair to locks of love but the end was too damaged. :[ They cut 5 inches off my hair. Now it feels so light :) It's now above my breast. Before it was down to my waistline or below that..

See how short the back is? Btw, the shirt is from MetroPark. :] Really love this shirt :]

Update on my acne: They are clearing! Yay! But lots of acne scars. You can't see them that much because I'm wearing MUFE Concealer. Love that concealer :] But I think I will try Amazing Concealer from Sephora :]


MUFE Microperfecting Primer in Blue
Benefit "You Rebel" Moisturizer
MUFE HD Microfinish Powder
MUFE Lift Concealer

MAC "Nylon" e/s on the lid
MAC "Nocturnelle" e/s on the crease
MAC "Knight Divine" e/s on the side of the crease
MAC "Blacktrack" fluidline
Darkness lashes

Aquafina oil
Pink eyeshadow from 88 Coastal Scents Palette

We are starting to put together this place by buying things one by one. If you follow me on twitter, you'll know that I just bought that black sofa you see in this picture :] I like everything simple. Its nice finished yet because we still have to buy a rug and a coffee table, so I will update you guys on that soon :]

Here is the bathroom and the living room. I bought this Anthorium plant to help out with the Breast Cancer foundation. 10% of their sales go to that foundation. I am more happy to help! :]

Then our living room with the black sofa that we bought. A coffee table is missing :P

Another plant that I got. I am not a plant person but I thought it looks so nice in the living room. Below shows the grill that my parents bought us :] Its very compact, perfect for our little balcony :] Then our little dining table. Only sits 4 people. Haha! :P

The outside of our place. So green! :] The weather is so gloomy today..

Hope you guys are having a great week! Will update again soon.. I think I'm calling off tomorrow to be with my family :] Btw, I almost broke my "no make up haul" OMG so many things at the CCO Ontario :[ I get so sad! Ahahaha!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Think Pink Give Away Entry

It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month
We, all women and men should support this organization and fight against Breast Cancer! A lot of women has been affected by this illness and that we all should be aware on how serious this is!

Special Thanks for WUZZY ANGEL of for hosting this give away and for giving us information and links about Breast Cancer. We all should be familiarize by it. has the 3 STEPS Breast Check Shower Card we all can follow! You can click on the image and print to remind you on how to check your breast for any lumps.

Here are some links you guys can check out:



Origins "A Perfect World" Serum
MUFE Microperfecting Primer in Blue
Benefit "You Rebel" Lite
MUFE HD Powder
Nars Orgasm Blush

To Draw The Ribbon:
Black Eyeshadow from Coastal Scents 88 Palette
Pink Eyeshadow from Coastal Scents 88 Palette

White Eyeshadow from Coastal Scents 88 Palette all over the lid
Pink Eyeshadow from Coastal Scents 88 Palette all over the crease
Maybelline Mascara
MUFE Aqua liner

Aquafina Oil
Pink Eyeshadow from Coastal Scents 88 Palette using 217 Brush all over the lips

I Hope You Guys Join Wuzzy's Give Away! Its fun plus it will benefit you - learning about Breast Cancer. Save The Boobies!!!

Blogger Give Away!!!

This post is dedicated for all of the blogger give away out there! :) These beauty babes are just too generous on their prizes :) Don't forget to join their give away! :D

Stacieee is having an awesome give away! :) Click the link and join her give away :) Its pretty awesome ^^ Just post a comment on her blog stating "Enter Me" and leave your email address too. Its that simple!

Pop Champagne is having a cute give away. All you have to do is follow both of her blogs and repost this give away on your blog! ^^ Her handmade bows are just too pretty :) Just state on your comment "I love Free Stuff" Which we all do right? :P

Culture Enthusiast's Give Away
Tammi is having such a nice give away in collaboration with Stephanie from Julu Jewelry. All you have to do is be a follower on  both of their blogs, repost this picture, add Tammi on Youtube and Twitter.

Also name the earrings shown below! Such a pretty piece!


She's hosting another give away to celebrate her 50th followers! She's just too generous! Same rules except this time, you need to tell her what you guys have in common ^^

Mercury Lady's Give Away
This lady is so generous to give out MAC Products! So join her give away, be her follower and let her know what are your HG products ^^

Anita's Give Away
This beautiful lady is giving away lots of stuff! Be her follower and leave her a comment ^^

Whew! Lots of Give away!! You guys still have time to enter! What are you waiting for?? Click Click! ^^ I will try to make a look for Wuzzy Angel's Contest for Think Pink! Please visit her website and join her THINK PINK CONTEST :) It will be for a good cause. I will make a separate post for that.

I will make my OWN GIVE AWAY SOON! :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

New Place. New Beginning.

Yay I now have internet! From October 1st til today, I had suffer with no internet. I couldn't leave comments, or read new entries :( It was so sad! :( A lot of things happened.. But I'm glad I'm still here.. staying strong ^^

"If you cannot have what you love, then love what you have"

You all know I moved to another place. Whew,  that was stressful, tiring and at the same time exciting! :)

Trying to put everything in a box. It was exhausting! Look at how messy our old place was when we were packing :[ It was so tiring...

I never knew how much I had after I removed them all from my make up container...

We moved in to an apartment.. It will only be for a short while til we decided where we really want to live. Of course we want to live at Orange County but for now, since my job is here in San Bernardino, we'll just have to enjoy our stay here :]

This is the door to the balcony..

This is the view from the balcony.. We live near the gate :P The community has so much trees, it looked like we live in a forest.. Haha.. But its cool :] I'll have to take more pictures of the outside so you guys can see how "green" it looks :] Really nice place!

My shower curtain.. Haha! I love polka dots so I chose this design :]

The bathroom mirror. I am not done designing yet.. Still deciding if I wanna keep it this way..

My closet. I don't  have that much clothes/shoes/bags etc. I don't have the walk in closet that I want :[ I guess that will be my requirement for the next place we'll get.. For now, I'll settle in this kind of closet..

A picture framed which I made.. Bought the frame, took pictures of us, posted it on the wall :]

I don't have that much things yet.. I don't even have a dining table, sofa for the living room, coffee table, cooking things like pots and pans, curtains, and a lot more.. Haha! I guess I'll have to buy them slowly since we don't have that much budget yet for these things :]

I just pray we get them all before the year ends :]


I changed my skin care products and trying Origins now..
Adrian got it for me.. :] I am trying the whole "A Perfect World" Line from Origins. Its suppose to be great with Dry Skin. Yup, my skin is so dry especially now that its Fall/Winter..

So far so good, but its not lightening my acne scar! Hmmm...

He also got me my favorite moisturizer at Sephora. Benefit Dear John is great for Dry to Combination type of skin. It really hydrates and eliminate dry patches :] Click the Beauty Reviews to see my review for this product :]

The earrings I bought from :] Such pretty rhinestones earrings :]

It's almost Halloween! Yay! Are you guys excited? I'm not sure if I'm going to dress up.. I didn't last year so I don't think I will this year..

See you guys again next time :]

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