Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Crappiest Day Ever!

I went to the dentist at around 9AM, again too early for me for a wisdom tooth extraction. Ouch. They numb me and all that, so imagine me drooling nonstop and did not even notice it until the assistant wipes the side of my lips. I said "Oh, sorry". LOL. They had to stitch up the hole they made. Yuck. So now, I have a terrible headache with a toothache. :( And no I won't take pictures today. Not with my mouth swollen like this.

Anyway, I called off sick. I had to. I just couldn't take the pain. I barely opens my mouth so what will I say to my patients? Perform a sign language with them? Lol. And look at my horoscope for today. (No, I don't believe in Horoscopes. It was just weird when I saw and read it).

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)[?]


The Bottom Line

Follow your instincts to stay at home even if friends want you to come out and play.

In Detail

The universe is sending you a lot more introspective energy, which might cause you to shy away from the world, right now -- but that's perfectly fine. In fact, you should follow your instincts to stay at home, even if friends are dying for you to come and join them for a fun night out. But, being your friends, they will totally understand if you feel like taking a pass. It's a good time to explore your own ideas and to think about what goals you want to tackle next.

Lol. My instincts was to stay at home. I don't really feel like going out. The husband even asked me if I want to go somewhere. I just don't feel like it. :( I just want to lay down, watch TV or read other blogs. lol. I know I'm a boring person. Hehe.

I thought I'd show you guys some random pictures :p

This is Joey. He's a pug. I left it at my parents' house. He's big now. I miss him a lot. I can't carry him anymore because he's just too heavy now. He has big eyes like mine. lol :)

My sister and I. She's so silly like ate (ate means older sister in Filipino). Yup, I wear glasses before but my prescription changed so I had to get another exam. I might get some prescription eyeglasses soon.

So, I'm on this phase again where I don't really want to spend anymore money on make up. I just got paid today and most of our money went to our bills. Sucks. I now have a car to pay plus the insurance. So expensive. I should spend more money on clothes or bag rather than make up. I don't regret spending money on skincare since its worth it. Having good skin makes you wear less make up. Now I don't even need to use anymore foundation. Just moisturizer and I'm ready to go. So you probably won't see me doing make up hauls for awhile but I'll buy the Clinique Cleansing Balm on or during Oct 08-Oct 20 because they will have Gift with Purchase. Haha!

Ok, this is it for now. :) tell me what you guys did today :D

Monday, September 29, 2008

Rainforest Cafe

Right now, I'm playing this game called "Coffee Shop" because I'm so bored! I don't have work today and certainly not in the mood to do any tutorial. Sorry. I am also watching TV, talking to the husband over the phone (he's at work) and browsing some things at Sephora.com. :p So here's the game I'm playing right now. Lol. You can tell that I'm really bored.

Anyway, I woke up early today. Like 9:00AM early :p Too early for me! I am not a morning person. We went to the mall to meet up with Roma. Aww. I missed her a lot. We live close to each other but never gets the chance to hang out. We're both busy at work then we don't have the same schedule too. :( I managed to take pictures. Haha! You know me. I love cam-whoring. We also went to CCO today and yep I did not get anything! Surprised? lol. Before we went there, I was praying to myself and asked God for me not to find anything new in there so I won't have to spend anything today. Haha. Prayers answered. So here are the pics and enjoy! :)

Wait, do you think I should cut my hair? Maybe 5 inches shorter? Hmmmm..

I really really love him. He has this smile that makes my heart go gaga all the time. He's very sweet..he always make sure that I'm okay. He cooks for me, does everything for me, and I'm so happy he's the man I'll spend the rest of my life with. I miss those times where he plays the guitar and sings for me. I don't know what happened to his guitar but I love hearing him sing. I love it whenever he puts his arm around my shoulder. Makes me feel very secured. Giggles.

This is my friend Roma. We haven't seen each other for a year now, considering we live near each other. Haha! I went make up shopping with her today. Although I did not buy anything. I missed her. I'm glad we had the chance to catch up and exchange stories. We had breakfast at Rainforest Cafe. Dang, the food was expensive. They didn't have the crab cakes anymore. I want crab cakes!!

Oh, here are the scrubs I bought. Can you believe these XS sizes won't fit me? They're just too big for me. Oh well, I need it. I wonder if they sell XXS? Haha! I need more!
I need to go shoe shopping. Anyone wanna go with me? :p I need new shoes for work. And oh yeah Jeans. :) So, what you guys did today?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Grayish Eyes

I'm at my parents' house right now, and there's a kitten beside me purrring his way beside me. cute. I'm waiting for the hubby to pick me up (he's at work) because we rode in one car. sigh. So I'm bored and I'm actually uploading a tutorial right now. Its taking so long! It usually takes 1 hour to finish one tutorial.

I have not finished uploading my music to my itouch. Like I said, its such a pain to do all those transfers then you'll find out later that those music disappeared somewhere in your itouch. Am I doing it wrong?

Oh, my mom and I and her friend went to the mall - Benefit Counter. My mom went make up happy and bought all the things that the MUA applied on her face. lol. Her friend did the same thing. I wish I can do that! Haha! The husband asked if I bought anything. I said no. He was surprised. :p Well, I did get some samples from Benefit. Yay! And the MUA told me that if I come back there next time, she'll hook me up with more samples like some lipstick that has been discontinued or something. Yay for me. Haha! So, here are the things she got. :) I really like the "That GAL" Primer on her, and I think I might get the Browzing as well because it looks amazing on her. The "IT Stick" Is also nice.

Uhm, oh yeah I got my prescription contact lenses and I got the colored one - gray to be exact. I had colored contacts before but this time its different because this one suppose to treat my astigmatism. What do you guys think of my new eye color? :p Haha, I look so silly on the other picture. :D My eyes looks so tired in here. Working late nights. Drinking coffee. Not sleeping 8 hours a day makes it worst. I need a good eyecream. Sugguestions Anyone? :p

I want a darn eyebrow wax but everytime I get them wax, tiny bumps on my forehead appears like theres no tomorrow and I absolutely hate it! I want them get threaded. I need to go where Pursebuzz go. :/So, what you guys up to tomorrow? I'm going to the mall to meet my friend there. :p We'll have brunch somewhere. I don't know yet where but I'll keep you guys updated maybe tomorrow? :) Good night guys!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Driving Bleu...

I woke up with the smell of hashed corn beef and eggs that my husband cooked for me. Yum! It was almost 12 noon. Whenever its my day off, I don't usually wake up early. I am not a morning person and never will be! Haha! But of course, if I need to wake up early, I just set my alarm, but usually won't wake up right away.

I was trying to put some music on my new itouch. I did not know it was so complicated! Or maybe its just me. Trying to sync in all the music I have on my PC was a disaster. I don't want all the music on my PC so what I did was manually sync them one by one. Then, since some are filipino music, they don't go to their designated albums. Some are in Mariah Carey's album and it was such a pain trying to figure out how to transfer it from one album to another. HELP! Also I can't figure out how I will transfer the movies from PC to my itouch. Anyone knows how to? Please help me!

Anyway, honestly, I don't feel comfortable driving alone because before my husband just drops me off to work and picks me up afterwards. I like it like that. But sooner or later, I need to be independent and drive BLEU by myself right? Well, today was the day! I was freaking out! Thinking of different scenarios that can happen. One truck actually just cut infront of me. He did see me but I guess he was just being a jerk! Thank God I survived! hahah! But yes, I need more practice especially driving in the freeway! Merging lanes freak me out. :(

Ok so we went to Ontario Mills and I got something for my itouch :) Here are the 2 things for my itouch: a Pink silicone + a protective sheet (which you won't prolly see) and a pink case from SanRio. I love the 2 piggies on the case. They're so adorable! :p Oh btw, they don't have that much casing for my itouch yet since this is the 2nd generation ipod touch. The other one (1st gen) was too thick and the old casing just wouldn't fit my itouch. Good thing I found this pink silicone and fits perfect!

I also got this from the mall. Its for tying the hair and you can actually do a lot of hairstyles using this. I will elaborate more on my beauty blog and might do a hair tutorial soon - when I get the chance :) You know me, busy busy girl! Haha!

Check out my beauty blog for the beauty hauls & reviews :)
Ok, thats about it for the personal haul. I have to sleep. I have work tomorrow. Ciao guys! *Hugs*

-adriyah signing off-

Friday, September 26, 2008

Meet Bleu and My itouch

Yesterday, we woke up early coz I had a dentist's appointment. I hate going to the dentist and taking the x-rays. Its so uncomfortable and it hurts :( After that, we went to the dealership to shop for cars. There I found "Bleu!" Bleu is a 2008 Honda Civic LX AT Royal Blue Car. Look how pretty he is! :) I am now a proud owner of this car! And yes, that means monthly payments + insurance.

It took us almost 3 hours at the dealership. I was so hungry! The husband took me to Kabuki to eat some sushi! Yum! I love california roll :) And just look what we got:

Yup! We went to the apple store and got myself the 2nd generation Ipod Touch! :) I'm just so happy! :)
And yeah we went to the mall also. I'll update my other blog for the beauty haul. Til Next time! I gotta go to my school to get my diploma :)

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