Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Day with Angelique ♥

On my day off, Angelique and I decided to meet and go to OC for some girl time bonding :) She is one of the girls whom I met on blogger and become one of my RL friends. I love her lots! She is nice and super sweet! =(^_^)= We don't live that far from each other but our schedules suck so we don't get to see each other often :(

“We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.”

First, we went to Santouka for some Ramen! :D I have been craving for ramen for who know how long. Hahah :) I was happy to eat! Hahah :)

Angelique got me some green tea to try. Tasted good! Matcha Milk Tea :P

Ahhh!! My Salt Ramen.. it's so yummy!!! :D *drools*

She ordered Spicy Miso :)

Then we went to Mitsuwa to look at their goodies! :D

I bought another Lucido-L Hair Treatment Spray because I was running out. :) and some watering kissmint! Hahah! What? I was curious! LOL! I never heard of kissmint before :P Interesting...

I also bought the ViVi Magazine :) I love ViVi. I love the girl on cover. What's her name? Lena? She's so pretty!!! :D

Ooohhhh!! lol! Summer!!

Ahhhh!! Hello Kitty!!! :D

After that, we went to Imperial Beauty Supply to get some nail polish. We didn't know that OPI Pirates of the Caribbean was out already. So we got some. :D

I went nail polish happy! Bought some for Myself, my Mom and May :) Yay!! I gave up nail polish shopping for Lent. For 40 days! Hahah :) But I feel like I didn't go overboard because some aren't for me, and I'm proud of that! Hahaha :)

The famous silver shatter!! *squeals**

Nail defense so my nails would stop breaking already!

Then we went to Tastea where we got some Avocado Shake! "It's so yummy, it tastes like cotton candy" hahah :) We were gonna go to Cafe di Vang3 but we chickened out. Saw some boobies. what what! Hahaha :P Next time for sure! LOL!

After Tastea, we went to the Block to just walk around.. We went to Victoria Secret and Angelique enabled me to get the famous 24K eyeshadow! Ahhh!! It's such a gorgeous color!! I couldn't resist!! Good thing they still have 3 left! We got the last 2! :P

I love sparkly things! ^_^

...and after the Block, we wanted to get some coffee so we drove around looking for Starbucks (because we don't wanna go to Starbucks at the block. lol) and freaking GPS took us to a non-existent Starbucks! haha! Then we tried again, and GPS brought us to Anaheim Marriot. No, I'm not trying to check her in.. hahaha! It's so funny though! There's a Starbucks inside the hotel so that's where we went. Then after the jokes and stories, we drove back home :)

I had so much fun Angelique!!!! :D

I miss blogging!! Hope I'll be able to blog more this coming May :) Next post would be my beauty review for: MANLY PALETTE! :)

FTC: Above stuff were purchased by me. No sponsorship. Not affiliated with any company.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Baby Ko!!! ♥♥♥

Giang is the best ever friend anyone can have! She always make me smile, laugh and feel loved! She never forgets to check on you, consider your feelings, cheers you up, and fights for you! I love her a lot and she's my "baby ko"

Baby ko, thanks for always being there for me, although we don't see each other often, you know I always love youuu and always here for you! Happy Happy Birthday! Thanks for being such a great friend!! :) Hope you enjoy this day with all your love ones! Ayleeeeeeeeeee essss eeeemmm!!!


I took this picture :)

Wish her a happy birthday :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I want!

Hello Everyone, just some random post here XP I'm not working 16 hours today so I had time to surf the net and just feed my eyes with all the yummy hello kitty stuff at sanrio and sephora. Yeah I think I'm kitty-obsessed now! Hahaha :) I haven't really comment back and I apologized for that :( If you want immediate response, please don't hesitate to email :)

Anyway, I was browsing at Sephora when I saw this traincase! OMGGGG!! I immediately fell in love and decided that I want it.. but its uber pricey X( I'll just add this to my wish list and maybe someday I can have it! Hahaha! It's sooooo pretty!!!! :D 
*wish* *wish* *wish* Can somebody sprinkle pixie dust on my wish so it would come true? Hahah ♥

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Hair Care Routine

Finally! A Post!! I have been really really busy! :( Work has been taking all my time, and when I'm off, I feel like I just want to relax. Haven't really been hauling make up or skin care so I haven't found the motivation to blog. *sigh*

Anyway, as promised, here is my hair care routine :)

I stopped using heat tools ~ blow dry, flat iron or curling iron for 5 months now, and its been doing wonders to my hair. I just let it air dry after I take a shower.

First, I want to show you my shampoo and conditioner. I have been using Essentials (orange one) for few months now and I started using the Essentials Nuance Airy (pink one) last month and I just love it! My hair feels light and it looks extra shiny (which I feel sometimes that it looks oily).

Then I use Hair Spa Treatment (i have 3 different brands that I use) once a month just to keep my hair healthy. When I use this, I apply Saran Wrap after then I rinse it after 30 minutes.

Everyday, after I take a shower, I spray Lucido-L Hair Treatment all over my hair. Sometimes I even spray this before I go to sleep.

As of now, I have not trimmed my hair. I don't want to as I don't see any split ends yet so I'm leaving it alone for now. I'm happy because my hair got so long like this. I'm happy of how my hair looks now.

That's how I take care of my hair. :)

Here are some few stuff I acquire.. Just a super mini haul :)

Necklace by F21. Such a pretty pearl/beaded necklace :D

Ponds.. my favorite cleanser as of now.

Black high heels! Always a necessity :)

I will be working so much again this week. Hopefully everything will pay off later :) I miss you all!!! I haven't even blog-hopped :( or even comment back and I'm so sorry :( love you all!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Handwriting Tag!

I was TAG by my two lovely friends: ANGELIQUE and GIANG ♥♥♥ Yay!! Just click the picture to enlarge :) Thanks Angelique and Giang for the tag!! Love you both a lot!!! I miss you both so much!!!

Get a piece of paper and write the answers to the following questions:

1. What's your name/your blogger name?
2. What's your blog's name/URL?
3. Write "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
4. Favorite quote?
5. Your Favorite song?
6. Your favorite band/singers?
7. Anything else you want to say?

Tag three to five other people.

click to enlarge
1. KAY -
2. EDNA -
3. AMY -
5. EKI -

I miss you all!! I miss blogging :( Been working a lot.. hopefully I can blog on my days off :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'myourLush! Giveaway Worth $600!!

I normally don't post give away on my bloggie but this is too  much to pass! She's giving away NAKED PALETTE and MAC QUITE CUTE COLLECTION! She's giving away so much prizes and it's open internationally :) Easy rules too! Ends May 27 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Made with ekiLove ♥

One day off! I'm so happy with my one day off.. I've been working all week and 2 of those days are 16 hour shifts *sigh* hope all my hardships will pay off soon. I'm drinking wine as I type this. Hahah! feels so good to be drinking wine :D

Anyway, I just want to share with you guys what I bought from:

I'm so excited about this! Eki from is a very talented artistan. Her pieces are so nice and kawaii!! :D She also has some cute pouches! ♥

She was having this thing where whatever she sells from her creations, 75% off it will proceed to help Japan. She is so nice to do this, and I'm happy to be part of this charity! :) Let's support Japan!! :)

I also love how she package them very carefully and always cute!!

Look how cute everything is!!! and yay for the masks too! I tried them and i like it a lot!

...and the bracelet that I got, I just squealed because i love it too much!!! :D

I wore it and got so many compliments! Thanks to Eki's bracelet! :D

Gossip Aqua Circle Lens by

Gossip Aqua Circle Lens by


Also, the husband got me some H2O + products because I ran out of my sea results eye mender cream and you all know how much I love that stuff :) Since they were having 25% off, he also got me serum (because I was pleading...hahaha!) Will review it soon!

Hope you all are having a great week! I'm working on the weekends and possibly 16 hours.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day with the Hubby

Another personal post! ♥ I love eating out! Especially Filipino foods. I eat a lot of rice. There's not a day that I didn't eat rice. Haha! I can even eat rice on its own :)

Anyway, one of my days off, we went to Max's of Manila at Glendale Ca.

313 West Broadway
Glendale, CA 91204-1301

We ordered Nilagang Baka (Filipino Braised Beef/Beef Stew)

Lechon Kawali (Crispy Pan-Fried Roasted Pork)

Kare-Kare (Filipino oxtail and vegetable stew)

It was such a good meal! And we also ordered Halo-Halo (root word "Halo" means mix) ~ mixture of fruits, beans, and a lot more sweet stuff.

Halo-Halo is one of my favorite dessert! Can't never get enough of it, especially in a hot weather.

After our lunch, we decided to go to Kodak Theatre to spend the rest of the day there. I love going out with Adrian. We rarely have days off together, so when we do, we try to go out :D

I'm feeling fat on my stomach. I need to exercise. I keep on saying this but I never do anything, I get sad.. then I eat. It's like a routine. I need to really do something. *sigh*

While we were walking, a huge Hello Kitty mascot called Adrian using her fingers to like call him. Then when we went near her, she hovered all over him! It was so funny, I had to take a picture! Hahaha! Hello Kitty loves him! XP ♥

I'm going to be working all week so probably won't have any posts soon. I'll try though! :) Hope you all like personal posts every now and then :D

Gossip Aqua Circle Lens by
I will update with another beauty review about my hair care routine soon. ♥ My hair got so long. Thinking of getting a haircut soon :) *No hair tools used since November 2010**


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