Monday, March 28, 2011

Love Pack, Hello Kitty and Latest Haul

Hello my loves!!! ♥♥♥ I  haven't been working really, and it feels so great to be home with my love ones! Been relaxing all week so when I came back to work Saturday, I felt exhausted right away. Good thing no 16 hours for this week and only Friday that I have to work 16 hours because I traded days with my co worker so I can be off Thursday :D

March is almost ending and I feel like I didn't blog as much as I want to this month. I did three Beauty Reviews though which is good. I still have a lot of Beauty Reviews to do. Hahah! I've been getting addicted to circle lens especially that I found the ones which are really comfortable to wear.

Hmmm.. what else? Nothing much really happened to me these past few weeks. Oh, I received a love package from Siwing This girl is so sneaky! ahahah! I sent her just a Nubar 2010 Nail polish and I told her not to get me anything and she still did XP. She is very sweet! Look at the packaging! So cute!! I nearly didn't want to open it! Hahahah!

Oohhh!! What's inside? It's all bubble-wrapped!

Ahhh!! It's a WnW Palette! Gorgeous colors!! Thank You!! I love WnW Palettes because they're very pigmented! :D

Look at all the goodies she sent me!! **Thank You Siwing!! You are just so sweet!! It's more than what I gave you! Thank you again love**


Then my aunt from Japan sent me these goodies. I'm glad they aren't that affected by what is happening to Japan now :( It's so sad and I'm still praying that everyone over there will be okay soon.

So sweet for her to send me this Hello Kitty bunny. I've been wanting one! I have a mini one given  by my friend Rina :)

Then my aunt from the Philippines sent me these Hello kitty goodies!! I'm so happy!!

I feel grateful being surrounded by people who constantly showers me with love. Thank you so much. I'm forever grateful ♥


My current obsessions: RINGS! Any cute, big rings! I would buy it. Hahaha! They're so cute!! I just want to buy more. LOL!


Current Haul: Lipsticks! The Lady Gaga lippies were bought by me long ago. Before I even started my no make up/nail polish buy. The MAC Pro long wear was gifted by Adrian.

I really love this MAC Pro Long Wear: Unlimited Lipstick! It lasts long and really love the color! So creamy too!! After my no make up buy, I think I'd be getting more colors! ahahah!! He got this at the CCO Ontario for $11! Woohoo for discounted make up!

Lady Gaga 2 Lipstick. Haven't really played with it.

Lady Gaga 1 Lipglass. Such a pretty pinkish color.


MAC QUITE CUTE is coming out on April 7. I can't help but add this picture I took at Macy's on this entry. Such cute blushes. Are you getting any? I might not. But.. but.. :P


I recently hit the pan on one of my favorite blush: NARS ORGASM. I love this  blush so much, I use it everyday!! I want another one once I finish it :)


...and a latest picture of me. Just because. Hahaha! ♥

Gossip Aqua Circle Lens by

Love you all!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Beauty Review: Gossip Aqua Circle Lens

Note: I suggest going to an optometrist first to make sure you're okay to use any kinds of contact lenses/circle lens whether if its prescription or for cosmetic use only. You should not wear lens to sleep or for more than 8 hours. Always wash your hands before putting them and when you're taking them out. Always use eye drops if you feel like your eyes feels dry. Again, don't use these kinds of lens if your eyes are too sensitive or if your doctor tells you not to.


● Price: $27
● Brand: Dueba
● Origin: South Korea
● Water content: 55%
● Diameter: 14.0 mm
● Base Curve: 8.6
● Power: plano, -0.50 to -4.50 (0.25 step)
● Duration: 1 year disposable has lots of circle lens in stock! They also have specials all the time. :)

Like I said in my other circle lens review, I have very sensitive eyes. Some of the lens I have tried in the past wasn't comfortable enough for me to use for the whole day. Gossip Aqua Circle Lens was surprisingly comfortable! I like it a lot. I can wear it for 8 hours without any feeling of dryness in my eyes. For me, the higher the water content is, the more comfortable they seem to be.

Here, you can see my eye with and without the lens. I have naturally huge eyes so the circle lens only made my eyes just a little bit bigger, not that huge difference if you ask me except for the colors of course.

I use ReNu for sensitive eyes. Don't forget to soak your contact lens for 8 hours before use.

It's such a lovely color! I got lots of compliments wearing this color. 

PROS: I've been using this circle lens for weeks now. It's comfortable, not drying. I've been getting compliments on how my eyes looks nice with this color. 

CONS: It's not readily available in stores, sometimes you need to wait for a period of time before getting it. Also for those with sensitive eyes, blurriness might occur after hours of using.

My Rating: 

OVERALL: I'm really enjoying these circle lens. Before, I don't even look at circle lens because I thought they weren't going to last me hours of wearing them but I was wrong, and now whenever I go out with the hubby, I use it and people ask me "are your eyes real?" lol! I really like how comfortable these lens are!

Which brand of circle lens is the most comfortable lens for you?

FTC: I am not affiliated with this company. I did not get paid to do this post. The lens above were provided by for review purposes only.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Love Packs and iPad 2

Hello lovelies!! :) Sorry haven't really updated my bloggie with personal stuff. Really, my life has become a routine this month. Work -- Home -- Sleep -- Eat -- Work -- Home -- Sleep -- Eat. I've been working so many hours that its just so tiring so I don't really have a lot of time to do post regularly, but I try, because I love blogging :)  Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Anyway, I have been blessed with great friends here on blogger. I recently won some cute prizes from Nani She has a very cute blog! Must read! Her swatches are gorgeous, she has sexy lips! ♥

OOhhh!! The euphoric feeling when opening up a box full goodies!

Such gorgeous eyelashes!! :D *Thank you so much Nani!! I love everything!!! ♥*

The second package was from Rina! Ahhh!! my mask sister sent me so much masks again! She is just the sweetest! She always spoils me with new masks ♥

She also sent me a I Love Edward necklace! So cute!! I love it! **Thank you Rina love! I miss you already! We gotta go out again soon!!**

I feel so lucky!!! I was chosen as the winner on Joanna's give away! I'm feeling so blessed. Just look at the cute card that she sent me!

Such generous prizes!!! I was squealing!! Ahhhh!!! I won a Sephora gift card but on top of that, she also bought me more Hello Kitty stuff! **Thank You so much Joanna for the amazing stuff you sent me! I'm also glad to get to know you!!**

I have been so blessed with amazing family! I have been thinking of getting the iPad 2 but I don't have the budget for it. So I was thinking to just save up for it, but little did I know, my family already got it for me and surprised me with it! So sweet!!! 

 They even got me the pink cover!!! :D

So so blessed!! :D Thank you so much for the love you all have been showing me!!! ♥♥♥


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