Thursday, July 2, 2009

S stands for..

Days off! That's what I have been waiting for the whole week! Wednesday-Thursday is now my new day off starting this week :)

S is for Sunday - we went to Orange County to watch Transformers. Its really good! I love and enjoyed the movie! Full of actions.. hotness.. and lots more! I would watch it again if I can! ahaha! But seriously, I love it better than the 1st one :) Lots of things happened at the Block [horrible things!] I will NOT probably going to that mall again.

S is for Stupid!
You know the store M.A.D.E.? There's this employee there named PATRICIA [sorry if you know her or are friends with her] but she is one of the horrible employees I have ever known! I was trying on some jeans and shirt at the fitting room, suddenly she opened the door trying to let this man in. I was like:

Me: WTF?
Patricia: "Sorry I didn't know there's somebody in here because usually there's no one in this fitting room.
..Then closed the door so I hurried up and got dress..

I heard Adrian talking to that lady asking her what the hell was that about her NOT KNOCKING! She's like "Don't talk me down. I don't want to be talked down like that. I know what I did is wrong and I'm sorry. I am really sorry about it. Good thing she wasn't naked. But I am a teacher... yada.. yada.."

She continued to apologized and talked about her being a teacher and talking about how she is new at retailing and doesn't know what she was doing. I was like "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? WHAT'S BEING A TEACHER GOT TO DO WITH KNOCKING ON A DAMN DOOR. COMMON SENSE BITCH!"

Ugh. I was really mad. Ok. I'll end it now coz its making my blood BOIL!

S is for Starbucks
After we watched Transformers, we were about to go home, when suddenly we can't find our car keys! We kept on searching until we realized we left it at Starbucks so we hurried down there and hoping they're still open. The delivery guy was the only one left there and we asked him if he can look for my "hello kitty keys" and then he came back and said, "yeah its on the table" I was like "well, can I get it? I'll show you my car registration and my license"

But he was like "Oh no, I can't. I'm not authorize to give you the keys. If you want you can call Security." So then I called the security but they were taking forever to get to that damn starbucks. The delivery guy said he will wait outside, and to my horror, he drove away! Damn that guy!

The Stupid Security didn't even do anything! He said come back at 6am! Damn Damn! I was really MAD! Damn Customer Service! Never again The Block!

S is for Skylark
Before the horror mentioned above happened, we went to Skylark [recommended by RIA] to check out the nail polishes. It was heaven there! OMG Thanks Pink and Ria for telling me about this awesome place!! I love this place for there are so many nail polish to choose from and such great prices!! I picked up some goodies for friends.. :)

Powders for your tips :)

Such pretty decals!! :)



He's my cutieee! :)

S is for Strawberry-filled doughnuts!
I love Krispy Kremes! Well, i love anything strawberry filled doughnut! I miss Dunkin Donut a lot! The husband and I ate some snacks at Krispy Kreme at Ontario Mills. Yummy!! The 2 looked-alike doughnuts are MINE! :)

Me on a simple-n0-make-up day :)

Then for dinner, we decided to eat at NEUL BOM - A korean restaurant located at Beach Blvd, Anaheim! Its only $10.99! All you can eat! Can't beat that! It is so good, we drove to OC just to eat there! :) I also love the Anchovies with green beans! So yummy!

I could eat 3x as much as these Angus Beef Brisket! My favorite!!!

I just love their TOFU SOUP! Hot and Spicy!

S is for Speed!
I finally got my iPhone! Been waiting for so long for this [almost 1 week] and it finally came! Yay! I dunno if its much faster than the iPhone 3G but its for sure faster than my Black Berry Storm and its so much easier to use! I love it too much! :) I can now keep up with you guys on Twitter 24/7! lol!

The above pictures are taken through my iPhone. Isn't nice? Its very clear! :) I'm very happy with it :)

Yup, I got the White 16GB 3G s

I also went to Amore Store to find out they won't sell this kind of lashes no more. They're the last ones. I am so sad because I love this kind of lashes. I also want Shishem but I couldn't find it in here. :(

My new O.P.I.s Got addicted to them now..

Addition to my growing brushes.. the MAC 165 brush!

Here are my MAC Brushes.. I only have 6 full size brushes. I want more.. If only I have a PROCARD! :(

Well, that concludes my days off. I won't have any 3 day weekend like you girls [or guys] because I am working this weekend and yes including 4th of July. Boo me! I am working 16 hours tomorrow. *sigh* Happy 4th of July guys! In case I won't be in blogger those days..

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