Friday, May 7, 2010

Critical Thinking

Note: this is a personal post. Since she is entitled to her own opinion, I am entitled to my own opinion too!

So there's this blogger chick who calls herself a "critique wrote something about me in a Beauty forum. This is what she said:

(click to enlarge picture)

Translation: "Have you guys heard of withadriyah? She's ok too but for me she is not a "credible" guru. She is the type that will do everything and will use everything even if it doesn't suit her. There's just something about her approach that I'm not really convinced."

So I went to that forum and asked her why she thinks I am not credible and I also asked her what are those things she's talking about that I use or do that doesn't suit me? I mean I want to know of course.

I even commented on her blog post but she deleted my comment and I never got a response, instead she wrote a blog post.

So her blog post contains things that explaining about difference between a "critique" and a "hater".

Her main points are:
  • She calls the people who defends their blogger friend a "FANTARD". She said, "If they read or heard that you said something about their beloved "idol", they will trash talk you..
A FANTARD?! What about an awesome blogger friend who just defends you from people who ARE ACTUALLY TALKING TRASH about you? I don't even considered them as fans. They are my friends who defends me because they know that person is wrong.

  • She said, "critiques don't go around judging people coz of personal reasons, its because of what they do for a living or their hobby"
HELLO?! She just judge me right there and then telling me I'm not credible. Credible in what? What I do for a living? I am a Psychiatric Technician. Credible in what? Blogging? It's my personal blog, am I convincing you to buy anything? to wear anything? Credible in what? My beauty reviews? They are my personal experience! Not credible as a person? Now who is she to tell me that? Is she my friend? Does she know me personally? - NOT! She is not my boss, she is not PAYING ME TO BLOG! I am not even being compensated to BLOG! Goodness!! She also judges me and said I do everything and use everything even though it doesn't suit me. Uhm, what exactly is she talking about? What I wear? My make up? She is judging me for personal reasons isn't she?! Therefore she is not a critique because there she goes judging me in a beauty forum!

She calls herself a critique - so is she reviewing my blog? My personal blog? Like I said I am not getting paid to blog! Its like going to a house of a person you don't know then you'll tell another person you don't like the house because its ugly - in front of the owner of the house. Of course the owner of the house will tell you, who the f*** are you to say that? Are you paying my house?

  • She mentioned two Youtube Gurus she loves. Those Youtube gurus get compensated. You basically compensate them by watching their videos. Go ahead, critique them because they make money out of you! It's like eating in a restaurant - you eat there, you pay, you didn't like the food. You can go ahead and complain all you can, you have the right because you paid for your food. 
..BUT do I get compensated? Do you pay me to blog? The answer is a BIG NO! -.- 

  • She said that those two Youtube Gurus she loves "are not the type who'll do everything just for the sake of a review like jumping from one cream to another - what a great way to take care of your skin - NOT"
I do detailed review about certain products that I love or really hate to show you guys if the product works or not or even if its worth buying. It's completely my own personal experience and it has nothing to do whether I get that product for free or I bought it with my own money. I will show you whether it worked for me or not. So what EXACTLY does she mean by "the type who'll do everything just for the sake of a review"?

And also WHY DO PEOPLE JUMP FROM ONE CREAM TO ANOTHER? It's because the other cream didn't work! Its a common sense to switch creams if you think the other cream is not doing anything for your skin. I mean would you keep using a cream if its causing you breakouts? No, you'll move on and use another cream! How can you take care of your skin if you stay on that one product that doesn't work? Doesn't she know that? I guess.. - NOT!

  • She said, "stop being a baby about it and accept that fact that nobody is perfect and we can't please everyone
I am not trying to please anybody! It's my personal blog like I said, I review whatever I want, I post whatever I like so who is she to even talk sh** like that? There's a saying, IF YOU HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO SAY, DON'T SAY NOTHING AT ALL"

  • She said, "if you can't take criticism, minimize internet usage, delete your blog and talk to your pillows all day and night coz they are the only thing who will love you unconditionally"
She is the one who has nothing better to say so I suggest to talk to her pillow and talk sh** with that pillow all day! Delete my blog? hah. Again, WHO IS SHE?!

  • She said, "haters are the one who'll blog, bash, vlog about a certain individual or businesses and attack them personally.."
Uhm, did you just define yourself right there? Am I not a certain individual? Withadriyah is not a company, a movie, a restaurant, or a product you can review or critique. I am Iyah and I am a blogger who blogs about my personal life, experiences, and products I like or hate.

Nakikibasa ka na nga lang, dami mo pang reklamo dyan!

Unless you are paying me to blog, I suggest you STFU! :]


Haha. My first rant ever :P Anyway, I will try to do my April Favorites tomorrow. Also Lulu, Giang, Edna, May and I are doing a No make up Buy this month of May =) We are trying to motivate each other. Good luck to the 5 of us. :D

I also would like to say HI to my Youtube friend YSHA who is very talented and pretty! :)

Love her voice :) I wish I can sing and play guitar just like her! :)

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