About Grang Grang (Big) Brown Circle Lens...
"Glittering eyes like a Barbie doll. Must have Grang Grang Series"
Grang Grang series is GEO's new release for 2012! With a design that reflects the light in your eyes, this series is perfect for an effortlessly polished look!
Brand: GEO
Origin: South Korea
Water content: 38%
Diameter: 15.0 mm
Base Curve: 8.7
Duration: 1 year disposable
This Circle Lens came from The product was provided for free for review purposes only. I did not get paid to do this review and these are my honest opinion about the product. is currently having a FREE SHIPPING Worldwide and FREE CASE if you buy a pair of lens. So many lenses to choose from and no batch waiting.
Here is a promotion code for all of you guys :) CODE: "ASPINKASMYJUICY" For a SURPRISE GIFT!
It is currently on sale for $26.88. Not bad at all considering they last for a year.
My favorite circle lens sizes are the 15.0 mm because they really make your eyes look huge!
GEO is my least favorite brand of all the circle lens I have tried. I think for all those people who have read my past circle lens reviews would know that. I think its just depends on your eyes. I have astigmatism. Less Oxygen goes to my eyes, and it gets dry faster than those who don't have astigmatism. This particular lens for me lasts for more than 5 hours without using any kinds of drops which is good enough for me. Note that you have to soak it in a solution for more than 8 hours. I made a mistake before of not soaking them and used them straight from the bottle and it was so uncomfortable for the first hour, I had to remove it and my eyes was so red.
Here is the picture without the flash as you can see, it is a very pretty brown color. Looks natural on my dark brown eyes. It almost look like it could be my natural eye color. I love wearing brown lenses as it just accentuates my real eye color.
It is currently in stock at Here is the direct link of the product:
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See you on the next Beauty Review!