Sunday, January 29, 2012

My Birthday Celebration

Late post but since I love reminiscing what happens every year, I want to add this to remember my birthday celebration. :)

I am now 25! Ah! I feel old. Hahah! I know you people probably shaking your head saying "that's not old" I get that a lot whenever I say stuff like this. But of course hanging out with my friends/cousins who's in their teens or barely going 22, I feel old. LOL! I still remember the day I turned 18! :P

I had a great start of this year. I thought last year was my year as I was born 1987. So I thought I was born under year of the rabbit. Turns out that Jan 6 belongs to the past year so I just recently found out that I was actually Year of the Tiger. Makes sense! No wonder 2010 was awesome! LOL! Anyway, they say the Tigers will have a great year this Dragon year so yes I'm excited!!

The day of my birthday, we went to San Diego and stayed there for 3 days. We stayed in a suite.

Then by dinner time, Adrian took me out to eat. We went to Island Prime.

Fresh oysters for appetizer :)

Here's what we ordered:

The view is amazing!! Over looking the ocean. I bet its more mesmerizing if its day time or sunset :)

My wish that day.. well... :)

It was such a lovely evening <3 The best birthday yet! :)

The next day, we went to La Jolla to watch the sunset. Such a gorgeous view here :) Didn't see the sunset. LOL It was cloudy!

So we just cam whore'd instead :P

Then we had dinner at Ben's Bar and Restaurant where our friend works. They sang a song to me there.

Then on our 3rd day, we just went strolling at the outlets.

Lastly, his gift to me! *Squeals!!* I knew this year is going to be great! Lol! Materialisticly aside, i've been wanting this bag for the longest time! But I'm so clumsy that I'm afraid this bag will get dirty in no time >_<

I hear angels singing!! It's so beautiful!!! LOL!!

Well, that concludes my birthday celebration weekend with the hubby :)

Then my co-workers also threw a party for me. Aweee!!! My co worker Kristine arranged a lunch out at Red Robin for me and her and my other co workers decorated the entire table with cute stuff such as hello kitty napkins, cute glasses and birthday candies <3

I am blessed to have great co workers :)

That summarized my birthday :) 2012 so far has been awesome to me :D

I have a few things I want to blog soon :) Really, this time I'll commit! Hahaha! 

-- Skinfood Haul
-- Birthday gifts from friends including from my friend May <3 love her!!!
-- Work out stuff
..and more!!! Stay tuned :D

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Year 2011

Note: Picture Heavy!

Better Late Than Never Right? Haha! I like reminiscing.. 2011 did not top my year 2010 but I'm still thankful for that year :)

What Happened That Month?


....I turned 24, celebrated my birthday at Melting Pot :) I remember it being romantic with petals of roses all over the table.

...We also celebrated our 3rd year wedding Anniversary.
... I also posted my Skin Care Routine. Wow It's been a year? Uhm, I need to update it!!! But my skin is not that nice this month. Chin breakout. UGH!!


... month of Crackles and Shatter! I got crazy buying and just used them once. LOL!

...Valentine's Day where he got me a few things! So sweet!

...Lulu from was my SECRET VALENTINES :)

,,,It was also the month where I reviewed so many Circle Lens!

Neo Dali from

Gossip Aqua from


...Date with Rina! I so looooveee her!!! packages month! This package came from NAN CAKES

... and this one came from RINA!

... and this one from JOANNA

... and the birth of my IPAD 2!! :D


...first time purchasing from ekilove by EKI! Such a pretty bracelet!!

...I also posted my Hair Care Routine this month. Man, my hair looks a lot shinier before. Then I went back to using hair tools again XP My hair length looks the same as now and its almost a year already! LOL!

....Date with my lovely ANGELIQUE *She recently got engaged and I'm so happy for her.. She's one of the true friends I have here in blogger world and she lives near me.. and we have lots of common friends too!! SO happy I got to meet her.. She's getting married soon!! I love you Angel!!!


...month where I bought so much Nail Polish!! *addict!

...Reviewed SPROOS Accessories! I had so  much fun!!

...we went to San Diego for the weekend! So much fun!!!

... my Nail polish collection grew!!!


....purchased a lot of Shatter this month!

.... went to San Francisco! I love this shot that I took :)

...Reunion with my childhood bestie who I haven't seen for 8 years! So happy to see her again!

...IMATS 2011 with ANGELIQUE!! Was so much fun that I wanna go again this year.. Hopefully with Angelique again! :D

...splurged more on lippies!!


* alot of happened in July that I was not able to post so I'll just post it in here :)*

...blogger meet up with few of my loves! ANGELIQUE, RINA and EKI!!!! It was so much fun that day :) They are such nice people!!!

...went to San Diego Zoo with my love!! First time!! :D


...we went to NAPA! We had so much fun! Reunion with my high school friends. I haven't seen them in a long time and it was such a memorable weekend for me. I had so much fun! We went wine tasting, camping and a lot more :) was so long!! I cut it after.. lol!

...another month of reviewing Circle Lens!

Hana Brown from


... It was my hubby's 25th birthday! Celebrated it with friends :) was also our BF/GF anniversary! Such a gorgeous bouquet from him :)

...we celebrated our anniversary at Mastro's :)


...having fun attending work parties :) Lots of parties this month :D

....My FF Sephora 2011 Haul! My favorite purchase was this UD palette!!! Such gorgeous colors!!!!

...also got my new baby this month! The iPhone 4s!! couldn't be happier :D

...First time reviewing Hana Flat Iron :) by

NOVEMBER Nail polish crazy again!!!

...our 11.11.11 gift for each other ♥

...had a movie night with my favorite friend!

...November 22 - Sportswatch Grill with my favorite people :)

...had to work Thanksgiving Day!

...attended Black Friday Sale at midnight! Whoah Crazy night! Got some good stuff though! Couldn't be happier and I stayed on my budget!! Hooray!!!


...Christmas! I had to work so we had to celebrate it other day :)

Here's with my favorite sister in law.. heheh!

...lots of going out with my close friend Kim this month :) She's going to the Philippines for almost 2 months and it's making me sad.

You know what? I've been thinking that my Year 2011 sucked so much but after reminiscing each month, looking at these photos made me realize I actually had such eventful year and I couldn't be thankful enough! Thank you to all the people who became a part of my Year 2011. It was such a great year that I cannot wait to build more memories with you all this Year 2012. So far my year started so much fun!

No New Year's Resolution this year! No Pressure! I just want to have an amazing 25th year of my life :)


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