Friday, August 12, 2011

Out of Town!

OMGGGG!! Helloooo?? Anyone here?? Do you guys still read my blog? HAHAH! I don't blame you all if you stopped visiting  my blog, cause in all honesty, I rarely update!! So blah!! But, I missss you all!! NO B.S.! I do miss everyone here on blogger, although I still communicate with some of my closest blogger friends via twitter, facebook, and SMS :)

Anywho, I went on a vacation with the hubby.. A mini one. That's why I've been MIA plus yeah work ruins my blogging. Hahah!

Empty seats! I love it! Hahah :) The plane is all to ourselves! lol jk! there's some few passengers somewhere. :P

We went to different places there. Actually our destination was LAKE TAHOE but something bad happened and our trip there got cancelled so we went to Sacramento and visit my childhood friends there. We had a blast! :D

We went wine tasting at NAPA! First time!! Ate lunch there as well. The restaurants around there are bloody (i've been reading lots of paperbacks that uses that expression :P) expensive!!


My bony legs =____= The dress is from my friend Angelique!! thanks babe!! :D

I love this shot by my friend Charmis :)

I don't have money to get a haircut. lol jk! But my hair has gotten long!!! Oh yeah, you can see, I colored it again. Light brown this time.

Me and Adrian. Such gorgeous place! i felt like I was someplace else :) You know, not NAPA but maybe Rome? hahah!

More happened that weekend but not much pictures.. Thanks for still reading my stuff here. :) Hi to my new readers *waves*

More beauty reviews to come!! So excited!!!

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