Monday, June 27, 2011

IMATS 2011

I skipped IMATS last year.. so I've been so excited about IMATS this year.. I told myself, I'm going for sure, no matter what it takes! Hahaha :)

I went with my friend Angelique (she's also a blogger). We got there around almost 2pm but there wasn't any line in front so we got in right away. Perfect time!!

IMATS is always fun.. so many people that you're already familiar with (popular YT gurus, bloggers, etc) and best of all, so many make up that are discounted :D

are you in love with Mr. Piggy yet? :P

So many stuff going around here.. It's so much fun.. looking around, testing stuff, getting freebies and just looking at the amazing make up stuff they do on people. It's a must go for people who loves make up! I enjoyed myself so much!! :D

After hours of walking around IMATS, Angelique and I went to Yardhouse to get something to eat.. 

Then we went shopping around the area. Got these wedge. They're just so nice, I have to have them. They're only $29.99 :) Bargain!!!

Here's what I got at IMATS. :)

Yeah, I went a little overboard on the lips department :( I don't know what I was thinking.. I could have gotten me a nice palette at INGLOT but we were just too lazy to get in the line. I could have gotten myself a nice blush at MUFE instead of these lippies but I guess, I just got so excited!! :P

Make up:

Shinny Pink from (will review these lens soon!)
YSL Mascara
MAC Brave Red Lipstick
BB Cream from Etude House
Nars Orgasm blush

Up next will be my review for the lens I got at I'm so excited that I want to buy the whole color range! lol!

Hope to go to again to IMATS next year!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Philosophy: Shelter SPF 30

Just a short post.. It's been really hot here in! I used to use Clinique SPF 50 for sunscreen but I want to try other brands. Went to Sephora today and found this: Philosophy Shelter SPF 30 for body and face. What attracts me the most to this sunscreen is the smell. I hate sunscreen smell but this sunscreen smells amazingly good!!! It does look a little bit shiny when applied but it will go away. It costs $25.

Hope you all are having a good weekend so far! IMATS day today!! See you all there and say HI!!! :D

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Pinky Paradise Circle Lens and New Haul

At Last!! Another post.. I'm slow this month.. well, even last month.. I need to post more.. I don't know what's going on with me.. seems like I get busy more and more now.. Like they said, "life happens when you're busy" hahaha.. I guess I need to get back on track!

It's 3:17am.. Adrian is still awake beside me playing "bookworm" on his iPhone.. while I'm blogging and half watching "LIE TO ME" which is a Korean Drama (which I'm loving right now!)

I just wanna make a quick blog post about the stuff I got and some stuff to review :)

Jason from Pinky Paradise (with the recommendation of Ms. Eki) contacted me to review some lens for their website. I chose the Shinny Green and Shinny Pink as they are highly recommended by Eki for being so comfortable. I have grown to love wearing lenses so I was very excited :) The lens came in in less than 3 weeks which made me even happier :) They also included cute animal cases which made me squeal! :D I Can't wait to review them!!!

They don't make my eyes that large though - that's the first thing I've notice which I don't mind as I already have large eyes (in my opinion).

Here is my code if you want to buy lens from them:


By entering this coupon code:
1. Customers entitle a FREE cute animal lens case PLUS mystery gifts
2. The coupon code can be stacked, If you purchase 3 pairs, you will get 3 lens case plus 3 mystery gifts.
3. A minimum of 1 lens purchased to activate the code.
4. The code has no expired dates :)

Hmmm.. I've been naughty and bought myself another perfume! I'm on a perfume kick..  It's just that its smells so good and the packaging is absolutely beautiful!

and then I couldn't find my Nars Angelika (which I totally love!!) so I got me another one.. It's just too pretty and light glitters on it, perfect for a night out blush :)

..and the last update: Some of you might notice that some of your comments are missing. It's because I re-installed DISQUS on my blog because I want a interactive way of commenting back.. It's easier for me to comment back this way, and if you want me to visit your blog, please leave your blog url so I can just click it :)

Thank You so much for everyone who keep coming back, reading my blog posts.. I appreciate it a lot. I love reading your comments! It makes me happy. Opening my email, reading the warm comments starts my day. Thank you for the new people who's following my blog. It truly warms my heart. Love you all! I'll try to blog more ♥♥♥

Friday, June 17, 2011

Beauty Review: EYE'S CHIC Eyelashes 842


FTC: The following lashes were provided by kkcenterhk for review purposes only. I did not get compensated in reviewing this product.

100% Authentic

Made In Vietnam

Ten Pairs In Box

Made From Synthetic Fiber

Length Of Head Lashes : 0.6cm

Length Of Middle Lashes : 1.3cm


I love wearing false lashes. I think it makes a look complete. Although sometimes I still fail at applying them right.

The pros: It looks nice and natural. It has full volume but not to the point that it's over the top. I think it's just right.

You can re-use it over and over again as long as you take good care of them (i.e. washing them gently with make up remover)

I don't apply mascara anymore when I'm using false lashes, as I notice the lashes get damage if I do apply mascara.

The cons: I think its a little bit expensive for false eyelashes and the band is a little thick. 

Hope you all are having a good week so far :) More posts to come!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

San Francisco Trip & Update

I love this shot that I took :) Soooo... I've been MIA again on blogger. I do that all the time. I am running out of excuses! lol. But seriously, work has been taking so much of my time and i just don't have the energy to type and take pictures, upload, etc. And if you read my blog, you know I like to update big time. Hahaha.. 

I've been thinking lately, so i can update much more, how about short posts? Would my readers be happy with that? :) I mean I'm not talking about one picture and a short description type of post/entry. But maybe a shorter version of my usual posts/entry. Let me know ;)

So, I went to San Francisco with my bestie (since childhood) and hubby and his childhood friend. It was so much fun eventhough the two chilhood friends of ours just met that day :P

We stayed at the Hilton Garden Inn by South SF. I love my bestie to pieces. We've known each other for sooo long that I missed her when I migrated to the US. But fate brought us again together. lol! :) and now she's here with me!!!

Saw this people biking along the street of San Francisco. I almost died XP! It's just too hilarious seeing naked people biking!! Hahaha!

Went to the Crookedest Street. Such gorgeous place :)

Oh, my top is from I bought it last week ^_^

Then we went to hike up to the Golden Gate. It was so tiring, windy and dusty!!!

It was all worth it though because up there was so nice!! Love the view :)

Boudin for dinner.. yum!!! =)

Ghirardelli for dessert :)

It was just so much fun.. the next day we went to Gilroy Outlets :)

Bought some items. I only have one splurge! This TR jeans was on sale for $79.99. Couldn't resist it. I love rainbows! I love the fit. Soooo even though I wasn't suppose to splurge again on jeans, I just had to.. *sigh*

 Saw this cute HK sleeping tank and undies. It was also on sale for I think $12? Well, anyway, the price wasn't bad and its cute!!!

Another one on sale is this cute planner! I love organizing, and writing down my "agendas" for a day, so I decided to pick this up. Super cute!! ^_^

This one is provided by for review purposes only. Can't wait to try them on! I love wearing falsies now! I feel like it adds up to any look you're going for.

Bought this one with my own money at It's a lot cheaper there than getting these at Mitsuwa so I picked up 18 pieces. Hahaha! Time to curl my hair ^_^

I'll try to stamp my nails :)

Got this at ecosway.  The cherry blossom lotion suppose to moisturize and whitens the skin. We'll see ;) and the Cherry Pink is for the lips. Suppose to  moisturize it and giving the nails its natural pink color ;)
Will review it soon! :D *bought this with my own money as well*

That's my update for now.. Let me know what you think of short updates ^_^ and oh, who else is going to IMATS? :D Soooo excited!!!


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